Episode 91: Cheerful Sunflower

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Duke and I were in our bed right now

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Duke and I were in our bed right now. I was going to sleep soon. I wasn't tired yet, but I would be. Phoenix and I tended to get tired and sleep more than the others.

"Hey, Lie?" Duke was staring at the ceiling.

I turned my head. "Yeah?"

"Do." His cheeks were all red. He gave off a flash of embarrassed heat. "Do you have any idea what you wanna do after we find your parents and Alain's old friend?"

"I think I wanna keep traveling." I sighed. "But I'm not sure... I really wanna spend time with Mommy and Daddy, too."

Duke patted the top of my head. "They won't be mad if you wanna travel. They just wanna see you be happy."

"What about you, Duke?"

"I'm not sure... I could travel, too, but I dunno if that's what I really want..."

What I really want... What did I really want? At the time, I didn't really know. My heart was being tugged in different directions by an imaginary rope.

Duke's question wouldn't leave me alone. It even bugged me as I finally fell asleep.


There was a body of warmth around me. It wasn't Duke's or anyone else in the house's. It was familiar, but it wasn't. I had no idea whose it was.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a field of sunflowers. I had no idea how I got there.

A little girl ran up to me. I wanted to say she was about four or five, but I wasn't sure. I was pretty sure, though, that she was taller than I was when I was that little.

She was wearing a white dress that stopped just above her knees. It had sunflowers on the skirt, and she was wearing a little white hat.

Her hair was very long and straight unlike mine. It was tied up in a French braid with something that looked like a sunflower made from yellow string. It was this pretty reddish-brown color. My red was pretty, too, but I wouldn't have minded if my hair was that color.

She had Zane's eyes and his freckles. Her face was just like Dad's. Her smile was just like Mom's.

That was when it hit me. I might have felt her warmth before. There was something familiar about her, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was...

She threw her little arms around me. "I'm so happy that I finally get to meet you, Bri-Bri!"

Bri? Just who was this little girl? She was cute and all, but who was she? Why would she have called me that? Only my family, Duke and Marsh ever called me that. I wasn't sure if the others even knew about that name...

"What's your name, sweetie?"

There might have been better questions to ask, but it was the only one I could think of.

"I'm Abi! Abi-Get!"

Jet? I'd never heard a name like that one before...

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is that your name or is that what you like being called?"

She tilted her head.

"I like it when people call me Lie, but my real name is Natalie."

Her eyes lit up in understanding. "Abigail! Abigail Bridget!"

That was a pretty name. It might have been a little hard for her to say since she was so little. I was sure she'd grow into it, though.

"You don't have to worry about Mommy and Daddy or the house, Bri-Bri! I'll keep them safe!"

Abi was such a cute kid...

"This is for you, Bri-Bri!" She handed me a rectangular white thing.

Wait. I didn't have to worry about Mom and Dad or the house? What was she talking about? How would she know my mom and dad?


That was when I had to go and wake up. I was all sweaty and my heart was hammering in my chest.

Where did the thing Abi gave me go? Did I lose it?

Someone set something in my hand. When I looked up, I realized Alain and his mom were in my room.

"You were holding that when Duke woke up," Alain said.

His mom said, "They had to take it away from you so you wouldn't accidently ruin it while you were sleeping."

He put a hand over mine. "That was some dream, wasn't it?"

How would he know that I was dreaming? I wasn't even sure if Duke could do that and he slept right next to me.

"Back when I was traveling with you and Marshall, weren't there days where I'd sleep for what seemed like no reason?"

"But you like don't know how to sleep as it is..."

Alain laughed. "That's true, but it's not the only reason I'd need to sleep."

I tilted my head.

"Before I left for Engrada, I could only see my siblings in my dreams. It was bittersweet, but it left me completely drained, too. I'd have to sleep for like a day afterward."

His mom looked up. "I still remember..." She flashed this weird smile. "They used to give you gifts, too. If I didn't leave them somewhere where you could see them, you would get pretty freaked out when you woke up."

"I-I don't remember that." Alain gave off a hot flash. "After today, I think you might have the same ability I do."

That was such a crazy thought... If I did, why hadn't I seen it before? As far as I could tell, Alain had his since he was really little.

I looked at the thing his mom gave me. It was a picture of Abi. She was with my parents. I was pretty sure they had just taken this picture. She was wearing the outfit I just saw her in.

Alain peeked at my picture. "I know it's not, but that little girl looks a lot like you, doesn't she?"

All I could do was nod.

"Who are the people she's with?" his mom asked.

I couldn't talk. Where did I leave my phone? I looked and couldn't find it.

Alain held his hand out to me and smiled.

I blinked a few times before I began to spell. P-A-R-E-N-T-S.

His eyes got big. "These are your parents? Can I borrow this? I promise I'll give it back."

I nodded.

"Well..." His mom blinked a few times. "I have no idea what just happened."

I wasn't sure if I did...


Thoughts on Lie and Duke's convo? The little girl? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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