Episode 10: Lost Girls

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Recah and I left not long after Duke and my brother

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Recah and I left not long after Duke and my brother. We wandered through the town for a bit until we stumbled upon an outdoor shopping mall.

"Wow!" My face lit up. "I've always wanted to see one of these!"

Recah raised an eyebrow. "I don't follow..."

"I've never seen one before. I always thought it was a cool idea!"

"How is this special? Shops in the center are set up just like this. Didn't they used to have shops in the town?"

I was so tempted to stick my tongue out at her. "Well, I didn't know that! I didn't go into town that often." I put the backs of my hands on my hips. "I was robbed of my journey."

"You were robbed of your journey?" She looked at me sideways.

"Yeah. It's customary for the heir apparent to journey incognito. That way, we can get a taste of life outside the palace and connect with our young subjects." I cracked a smile. "KKs often do the same when in a world in turmoil."

She put her hands behind her head. "You amaze me, princess. You can go between twenty-one and seven at the flip of a switch."

"Well, sorry!" I glared at her. "It just happens!"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Something caught her eye. "Did you wanna buy something?"

"Not today." My lips slid into a smile. "I do wanna buy Phoenix something, though."

Her eyes lit up. "Just cuz?"

I shook my head. "We forgot his last birthday."

"Kayleigh." Recah put her hand over her mouth. "How the heck did that happen?"

"It was back in October." I found myself laughing. "We forgot somehow. We always remembered at least when we were sealed away." I gazed at my ring and sighed. "I feel bad."

Recah scanned the map. "I don't think you should, Tiana." She smiled at me. "He was really rundown at the time. Didn't he always remind you?"

My jaw dropped. "How did you know?"

"You didn't age for ten years. Wasn't your brother how you saw time pass?" The light in her eyes dulled.

"Oh, yeah!" I cracked a smile. "How'd I forget about that?"

"Wanna go anywhere specific?"

"Nope." I went to the other side of the map. "Since he hasn't had a proper birthday since he was four, I wouldn't know where to start."

Recah blushed. "I can relate to that." She looked down. "I wouldn't know where to start, either."

I grabbed her hand. "Sorry if this is too personal. Is there a reason you're uncomfortable with everyone else?"

"No, it's fine." A sigh escaped her lips. "I don't understand it myself." She averted her gaze. "For those two years, I isolated myself from others, since I wanted to escape Masquerade's influence." Sweat beaded her brow. "There's a reason Marshall and I aren't close, but..."

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