Episode 45: The White Room

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Alain had gone into Taradita with a couple of Phoenix's friends yesterday

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Alain had gone into Taradita with a couple of Phoenix's friends yesterday. Recah had offered to go with him, but he wanted her to stay with the rest of us to help out with Marsh and Tiana. The rest of us wanted to stay back with them anyway. That was why Noelle asked for their help. While he was there, some people he'd met before gave him a new place to look for his friend.

I was worried, though. The air around him had a cool edge to it. I couldn't figure out why, though. It seemed like my powers hadn't shown me this feeling before.

Recah ran after him when he got back. She seemed to think he needed her more than Marsh did. Before she could be with him, though, one of Phoenix's friends wanted to talk to her. I didn't know why.

Anyway, I went back to Marsh's room. His wrist was getting better, but it still hadn't healed quite yet. That made me want to stay with him.

Since I didn't remember going to my room, I probably fell asleep in his bed.


I found myself in a white room. I had no idea why I could see the white. There was no sunlight and I couldn't find any candles or other types of light. That by itself was creepy.

My powers weren't helping, either. No one familiar like Marsh or Duke was nearby. That made this place even more unnerving.

A lady with hair like mine popped into the room. The only difference was that hers was red and mine was black. She wasn't cold. She wasn't hot. There was nothing.

There was nothing. There... was... nothing...

I had never known that feeling. I'd had my powers for long as I could remember. No one had ever felt like this lady. Even if it was faint, I always felt something.

Then just as quickly as she appeared, the lady was gone...

I didn't have time to catch my breath, though. A big man took her place.

His clothes were a mixture of browns and yellows. He looked like someone who loved climbing mountains. He was more unnerving than the curly-haired lady. Most if not all the mountain men I met warm or hot. Not this one, though...

Then he left just as quickly as the lady did.

Another lady took his place. She looked like she could be my grandma. Heck, she could've even been mom's grandma.

There was something about her. She reminded me of the lady who took care of Tiana in the palace but less scrambled. There was a difference, though. That lady was really warm. This one wasn't.

The white space disappeared with the last lady.

That was when I felt a familiar warmth on my back. I couldn't place it, though.

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