Episode 67

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Recah and I were walking to the store to get groceries

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Recah and I were walking to the store to get groceries. Aunt Sarah would gladly give us a ride if I asked, but I didn't want to bother her. She probably had better or more important things to do with her time.

It was cold this morning, but neither of us were complaining. It could be worse back home. For all I knew, it could be raining right now. Plus, The Great Rain was eleven days away. I had faint memories of that being one of Daddy's least favorite times of the year.

Nice thing was that we didn't have to worry about any breezes. My powers could keep them away, so that made things warmer.

We were going to need a week's worth of food. We were going to Hannah's the day after tomorrow for the Earth holiday Thanksgiving. But because Hannah was cooking, we likely would not have any leftovers.

It was going to be interesting to see the holiday. Ali had told me stories about it, but I hadn't gotten to experience it, because of my time in limbo and our time hiding from the Council. Leon suggested that we celebrate it last year, but Ali didn't want to, because the other Engrads didn't know about it at the time.

I looked at this sign that was taped to a light pole that had something wrapped around it. I wanted to say it was wrapped with lights that weren't turned on.

It was talking about a light show. I'd forgotten. Earthlings hung lights as part of their Christmas holiday. Lie would probably like this since she liked carnivals.

I took a picture of the sign with my phone. I'd have to show it to Marshall and my brother later. If we were going to go to see the lights, they'd probably be in charge of that.

Recah raised her eyebrows. "Couldn't you have waited to do that until after we got our groceries?"

"Honey. It would be next to impossible to get a decent picture if we had the groceries with us. Besides, I wanted to do this before I could forget."

"I guess so... Anyway, let's go." She looked up. "I don't like that sky..."

It was overcast today. It was possible it could rain. Neither of us wanted to get caught up in that...


Once we got into the store, we agreed to split up. We'd cover more ground that way. I also wanted to get Phoenix more colored pencils or markers if I could. It looked like he could use more since he used them often.

Since it was on sale, I decided to buy these pasta things that had potatoes on the inside. Based on the conversation I overheard between Ali and Aunt Sarah, they were really good. We Engrads would have to try them.

I also decided to buy ground beef. We could make tacos one day. Lie and Phoenix really seemed to enjoy them. That made the rest of us happy.

Once we were done, Recah and I got in line. We each got a cart full of food.

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