Episode 48: The Carnival

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Today was my fifteenth birthday

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Today was my fifteenth birthday. That was such a crazy thought.

The first couple years I was with Marsh, we couldn't do much cuz of how everything was. Not that I minded since going to the carnival was enough for me. Coming of age was great. Not just cuz I got a raise but cuz of the new warmth we got to share with Alain and Duke and Ai. The others made last year great too even though we couldn't leave the palace.

What would they do this year? We could do more now, so I didn't really know what to expect.

I woke up around ten today so most of the others could have been up to anything while I was asleep. The only one who slept in like I tended to was Phoenix. Even then, he likely wasn't planning anything. I didn't think he even knew when my birthday was.

Duke came in soon after I woke up. He had a white plate in his hands.

It took me a minute to realize that it was a plate of pancakes. They looked so fancy. They were colorful and had a white layer beneath the sprinkles.

"Wow, Duke..." I gasped. "You didn't have to..."

Duke pulled a tray out of one of the drawers. "I wanted to. A young lady only turns fifteen once."

My face got so hot. I couldn't even talk.

He sat the food in front of me. "Enjoy it, kiddo. Happy birthday."

These sweet pancakes were so good. What on Engrada had Duke done to get them like that? No, better question. Where had these been all my life? If I could, I'd probably ask him to make them again next year.

"Ai sent this." He pulled a plastic bag out from underneath our bed. "She probably left you a note, but I didn't look, so you'll have to see."

Ai sent me something? What did she send me? Why did she send it to me?

Duke left, taking my plate with him, and shut the door behind him.

I pulled a note out of the bag.

Hi, sweetie. Happy birthday!

I'm not too sure what the others are planning to do for your birthday. Even if I don't get to see you, I wanted to be sure you got these. Daddy took me shopping since I needed new clothes.

I saw these and immediately thought of you. They're a little big on me, so I think they should fit you nicely. Hope you like them.

Enjoy your special day!

Love, Ai.

She sent me a black pair of pants. Whatever these pants were made of, they were so soft. These were gonna be great pants. They'd definitely keep me warm when I got cold. Then I found a silver shirt in the bag. It had a heart that looked like it was made out of flower petals. It wasn't as thick as the pants probably were, but it'd keep me warm.

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