Episode 49: The Firebird, the Lion, and the Elephant

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My baby brother turned nineteen today

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My baby brother turned nineteen today. That was such a surreal thought. And we were going to give him his first proper birthday since he was four.

Since he was four...

I could still remember when Phoenix was first born. At two years old, I should've been too little to remember but I did.

I was watching from in Mother and Daddy's room. I was sitting in a chair with Mahri. She was bouncing me on her knee. Looking back, while she was trying to entertain me, she was nervous, too.

Mother, who wore a flowing white dress, cradled a sleeping Phoenix in her arms. Daddy stood at her right hand, and he was absolutely beaming. He clearly had pride in his newborn son.

"Friends, family, fellow Engrads, thank you for gathering here this morning." Mother was as poised as she ever was. "Last night, on October 17, a beautiful prince came into this world. We've chosen to name him Phoenix Kellen Cunningham."

The crowd cheered. "Congratulations, your majesties! Long live Prince Phoenix!"

Mahri looked down at me. "Are you alright, princess?"

I nodded. "He's mine."

"That's right." Her smile accentuated her expression lines. "He's your baby brother."

That was one of the best days of my life. I didn't know what lay ahead but that didn't matter. No one could ruin this.

Anyway, we were having a party for him tonight. I couldn't explain exactly why to the others, but I invited Aunt Sarah. I didn't know if anyone invited Uncle, though.

Ai might have been coming, too, seeing as she didn't come down for Lie's birthday. I wasn't sure since Ali had to take care of that, though.

Oh, and of course, we invited Noah and his brothers. Phoenix would definitely want them there. They were his friends, after all.

His brother, Alastair, was so sweet, too...


We ran into Noah and his brother while we were at the carnival. They had apparently run into Lie, Duke, and Recah before they texted Ali. And they took Duke and the birthday girl on their first roller coaster ride.

Recah had decided to go with their sisters, Len and Ivy, while they were on the roller coaster. I had a feeling she did this since she felt like an extra wheel. I'd have to see if there was anything, I could do to make it up to her. Anyway, Ali went to check on his girlfriend.

Noah took Phoenix so they could have some fun of their own. His brother went to check on Lie and Duke and their other siblings. That left me by myself, but I didn't mind. Leon was going to send me the stuffed animal our parents got him when he was little, but I wanted him to have more than one. I could work on winning the stuffed animal in peace.

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