Episode 36: Sleeping Beauty

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The gate I created led to the door to the kitchen

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The gate I created led to the door to the kitchen. I was just glad it hadn't opened in the back of the garden. T couldn't wait for us to treat her and leave her to rest.

Recah opened the door for me.

Duke was in the kitchen eating a sandwich. "How did it go out there?"

"No time to talk right now," Recah replied.

I tuned everything out after that. All I could think about was getting Kaze into our room. I needed to treat her the best I could.

I laid her in our bed. She still hadn't stirred much since she collapsed. It seemed like she might have been dreaming, but I couldn't be sure.

Why did I let this happen? Why didn't I protect her? Why was she left to take that Lock out on her own? Why hadn't I been able to do that?

I was the Key Keeper of Engrada. I was the one tasked with protecting it and Earth. Confronting bad guys was an inherent part of that job. I should have done most of the work required to take that Lock out. Besides, rescuing Vanny was my mission. I chose it for myself. I owed it to her for putting her in her present position. If anyone should have gotten hurt for trying to meet that end, it should have been me. Surely, that was part of my job as a KK.

What kind of KK was I? What did Noelle ever see in me? Why would she take an interest in a guy who couldn't even protect his own sister?

"Ain?" Eni had come into our room. "Did something happen to T?"

I listened to her breathing. It didn't sound labored. My flames told me her body temperature was normal. She smiled when I brushed my hand against her cheek.

I hoped she only needed rest. I didn't know how I could be sure, though.

That was when Eni finally got a good look at his big sister. He put his hand over his mouth. "T looks yucky..."

I didn't know if Eni understood what happened, but he certainly realized one thing: his sister did not look good.

He ran into our bathroom. I could hear him coughing and vomiting in the toilet.

That made me nauseous. It wasn't because of the sound, though. There was a chance he was getting sick already, but it also could've been shock. It made my heart ache knowing that happened. Our sweet Eni was worried about his sister, no doubt. And if he was getting sick, it happened at the most inopportune moment. Eni needed his sister most when he was sick, but it wasn't possible for her to be there right now. There was only so much I could do on my own.

"Is she gonna be okay, Ain?" Eni had tears in his eyes.

I didn't know, but I couldn't bring myself to say so. I didn't want to burden my little brother more than I had to.

"Why don't you lay down with her?" I forced myself to smile. "I'm sure T would like that."

Eni did just that. He wrapped his arms around her. It looked like he was about to cry, but he was probably trying to be strong for T.

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