Chapter XLVII - Three Little Words

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Watching the boys perform never gets old. The meet and greets were as smooth as usual, so in other words there were all kinds of drama and complaints. At least it keeps it interesting. Meeting fans is the boys' favourite thing. They love chatting to them, and taking photos, and following them on twitter. But they also love the performance part.

The performance is my favourite. Whether I'm in the audience playing fangirl for a few hours, or standing backstage listening with Serendipity, or hanging out side stage watching the true fangirls, the atmosphere is amazing. A Janoskians concert, even minus Daniel, is better than a singer's show. Their engagement betters Justin Bieber, and their energy betters One Direction. And their love for performing just tops everyone.

Today I'm standing side stage, occasionally leaning out to watch the audience. The show is fully charged, the fans screaming along, the boys jumping around the stage. Music is blasting, the speakers are pumping, and the heat from the room leaks into the backstage area. Like every show. I'm watching the crowd when it happens, my attention diverted. But suddenly the atmosphere takes a turn, and the boys are rushed off the stage, coming running into where I'm standing. Apart from one. Apart from Jai. He comes later, carried off by a bodyguard.

I scream.

Almost instantly, Luke bustles me to backstage, arms strong around me, half carrying me. He's calming me, speaking quietly into me ear, rubbing my back with his big hands. I don't notice that I'm fighting back until he grabs my arms.

"Meghan, stop! If you stop fighting, I'll let you go."

My body falls limp and Luke lunges to catch me and lift me. When he's holding me under my arms, he shakes his head, laughing quietly. "Jesus christ, Megs, it's one extreme to the other with you, isn't it?"

"Luke, what the hell is wrong with Jai?!" I feel tears spark at my eyes.

He holds my hands in both of his, making eye contact with me. "Don't worry, he's just fainted. He'll be alright, they're just checking him over. You know what fainting's like, don't you?"

I blush and finally he gets a small smile from me. "I have had... experiences." I allow, grinning. I have a weak stomach, and issues with fainting.

He grins back and puts both hands on my cheeks to give me a kiss. He doesn't pull back fully, leaving our noses touching, staring into each other's eyes. It might sound weird, but I used see my future in those mischievous brown eyes. Marriage. A nice house. Kids. Then he would look away and it would be gone. A good representation of my life. No Luke, I have nothing. But now it's different, and although his eyes calm me down, I feel like they're empty, just an ordinary pair of eyes. Gorgeous, familiar, but nothing special. The enthusiasm in them doesn't touch me the way it used to, which scares me a little.

I wait for him to say he loves me, like always, but this time it doesn't come.

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