Chapter XLIV - Issues With Jai

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The whole tour is hectic, and the boys are so busy we're hardly together until the flight. Before I know it, we're flying out of the UK and over to Brazil, where I'll be spending my birthday. I'm exhausted, and kick my shoes off the moment the seatbelt sign turns off, tucking my knees up and curling into Luke. His arm automatically wraps around my shoulders.

"Babe, I've missed you." He says huskily.

"Luke, I've been with you this whole time!" I giggle, leaning into his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist. It's so cosy, snuggled against him with his strong arms supporting me. It's safe. I could sit here forever.

"I know, but I haven't had any quality time with you for what seems like years!" I tilt up my face and pucker my lips. He gives me what I want and it's sweet, and slow. When we part, he kisses me two or three more times, quicker but sweeter still. "Do you know what?" He asks suddenly.

"What?" What could possibly more interesting than what we were just doing?

"That night you had to sleep in Mel and Alicia's hotel room, I woke up with Jai lying in bed next to me."

I'm not sure whether he expects me to laugh or not. "And...?"

Luke squeezes my hands. "He was crying. About everything. About Mel, about mum, about... you. A lot about you."

I'm quiet. Way to spoil the moment. "Luke..."

"I'm sorry." He apologizes straight away. "I know you don't want to think about this, and I'm not being insecure, I just wanted to tell you."

"Thank you." I say gently. Then I lift my face to his again, and we continue where we left off.

* * * *
Brazil turns out to be just what I'd been hoping; hot, relaxed and busy. The town is where we spend the nights, at the clubs and bars in the bustling city life and warm air. During the day, we stay around the hotel at the beach or just going for walks around the large neighbourhood.

Where we're staying is one of those places that goes from being busy 10 minutes down the road to being dead quiet, and it's amazing. Luke and I spend one day in the hotel room together under the sprawling mosquito net while the others go out for lunch, and we catch up on our missed month. Jai's all but left my memory, until he walks in on us that afternoon, naked and legs entangled.

He stands there, mouth open like a goldfish, until we both fall apart and I pull the covers over myself. Luke yells at him, calling him a fuckwit, but for once Jai doesn't react. He mumbles something under his breath and turn and leaves, carefully closing the door behind him. I roll over to bury my face in my pillow, and groan.

It feels like everything is so hard nowadays, that everything I do is going to hurt Jai, or Luke, or Mel, or anyone. When Luke leans over to talk mto me, I push my head further into the pillow and tell him I'm tired and just want to sleep.

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