Chapter I - Arrival

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"Jai!" I can't help but squeal, even though I've always said I hate over-dramatic girls.

Luke comes running down the airport hall with his arms wide, running straight for Gina behind me. It's been a year since I've seen him, which is hard when you've always been inseparable.

Speaking of inseparable, my best friend Jai is right behind Luke. The twins have been my best friends for my entire life, but Jai's always been my best friend over Luke because Luke fights with me too much.

They've been over in LA for the past two years, recording music and going on tours. They've only just finished their first world tour the other week. I'm so proud of the boys, even though I haven't actually met the other two Janoskians. I grew up with Beau, of course, as a second older brother.

As if to prove it, Beau picks me up from behind and squeezes me in a bear hug. "Megsss! How are ya?" He asks me fondly. Sometimes it annoys me how Beau treats me like I'm 10 years younger than him rather than 6.

"I'm great, Beau, how are you?" I ask, laughing straight after at my own polite phrase.

He doesn't even answer me, just spinning me around before putting me down.

The Brooks are staying here for a while, and the rest of the Janoskians are coming back from LA a little bit later. I live in Glenroy with them, about 4 blocks down.

Only Gina and I came to pick up the boys and she's gone quickly off to collect their luggage, so we wander over in our own time.

Luke keeps trying to grab my hand and Jai has his arm around my shoulder. Jai I don't mind, but Luke just seems pushy and I put my hand in my pocket.

"So, anything interesting being happening?" Luke asks me casually.

I can't help but laugh. "Luke, you face timed me two days ago and every week before that to ask that same question. Nothing's really changed!"

He blushes. He blushes? What the hell? I think.

"What about that Stacey chick? Has she had her baby?" He tries again.

"Nope, not in two days, Lukey."

He lets it drop, his mouth turned down sourly.

Gina of course is overjoyed to see her boys for the first time in while and they continue to share hugs and kisses while I help pack all the luggage together. I'm not yet 16, so I can't drive, but I don't have long to wait.

When we're ready to leave, Luke tries to grab my hand again and this time I give him a weird glance. "Luke, what are you doing?"

"I just wanna hold your hand, babe."

My eyebrows raise automatically as he tries to backtrack. "Sorry, that just slipped out! We say it all the time in LA, you know, it's not like you're special to me or anything I just..."

"Just what?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. I just missed you a lot."

I purse my lips slightly. "Fine. But it doesn't mean anything more than friends." I warn.

"Hey, that reminds me,we have a new single coming out tomorrow. Called Friendzone!" Jai tells me excitedly. I watch Luke's eyes narrow a little as he grips my hand. Something has changed in Luke in the year.

Suddenly, there's a blood curdling scream from behind me and I almost jump out of my skin. "Oh my god!! There they are!!" Turning, I see a group of girls running over, phones clutched in their hands or held up in front of them.

"Oh, crap." I say, quickly pulling my hand from his, but the damage is done.

"Are you two together?" "Can I tweet about your girlfriend Luke?" "Is this, like, serious or nah?"

"No. We are not together!" I push Luke away a little for good measure and he ducks his head. The girls all 'awwhh'.

Luke takes a few pictures with the girls and so do his brothers, then we finally drive home. It's kinda nice having them back. But I miss the old Luke already, this Luke makes me uncomfortable.

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