Chapter LIX - 1 Year Later

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* 1 year later*
I wake up suddenly, staring at the ceiling. I remember the first time I woke up in LA, in a room just like this. The main difference was the boy lying next to me. Hard to tell apart, but definitely different. It's been a long journey, and definitely not an easy one, but this shows me that it worked out in the end.

Then I realise what made me wake so abruptly and I throw myself out of bed, hand over my mouth, and sprint to the en suite. I can hear Jai's footsteps following my own almost straight after I'm up. By the time I burst into the bathroom, I only just have time to throw myself down beside the toilet before I'm chucking up my guts. Jai runs in next to me to stand above me as I puke into the toilet.

"Are you okay?" He asks, stroking my back and holding up my hair. This is so embarrassing. But if it weren't Jai, it would be even more embarrassing.

"No." I groan. "This is horrible. I just feel absolutely terrible."

He kisses the top of my head. "Aw, baby, did you have too much to drink last night?" He says, laughing, making me think of the many times this position has been reversed, for that reason.

"No." I reply firmly. "I drove home last night, reme-" My sentence is cut short as I retch into the bowl again.

Jai massages my shoulder with one hand and uses some toilet paper to wipe down my face with the other. I feel absolutely disgusting but Jai doesn't seem to mind. He is a Janoskian, after all.

"I'll grab you some crackers and a hot chocolate and you can go lay in bed." He says cutely, giving me a peck on the cheek.

I nod but quickly turn away to puke again. It's always a horrible way to wake up, feeling sick. And it's only a fortnight until Christmas. Hang on.

Oh crap.

I check my watch for the date and feel my stomach swoop. It's the 12th of December. And I'm never late. But now I am. By a whole freaking week. Either I'm seriously sick, or...

"Jai!" I yell out the door. I can hear him mucking around downstairs.

"Yeah?" He replies, already heading up the stairs. He's the biggest sweetheart.

"If you don't mind, I'd really love for you to nip out and grab me something from the shops..."

He walks in quietly and crouches beside me, placing a glass of water by the toilet. "Yeah, sure, sweetie. What do you need?"

I gulp. "A pregnancy test."

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