Chapter VI - First Kiss

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*Two days later*

It's Hunter's birthday today, and he decided he wanted to go out to dinner with our family and the Brooks. I've spent most of the last two days with the Brooks anyway, hanging out at each other's houses just chatting or playing video games, catching up on what we've missed. The twins were only in the year above me at school because they're 17 and I'm almost 16, so I tell them all of the gossip they've missed out on. They tell me all of the stuff that's happened in LA so far and I try my hardest not to be jealous.

It isn't awkward, because I haven't really had much alone time with Luke. 5 minutes in the kitchen here, walking past each other in the hallway for a brief chat, but generally there's another brother with us, or Hunter. Nadia never really got along with themselves she stayed at home.

We drive the short drive down to the restaurant as separate families, but after dinner Luke walks me back while the rest drive. We take the long way round, down by the beach, and Luke leads us right onto the sand. I take off my sandals and dig my feet in the cold ground. It's mid-spring, so it's still warm out but the sun's dipping down and I can already see the moon.

"This is so beautiful." I exclaim, and my voice is the only sound in the silent night.

"I can't enjoy that view with a better one beside me." Luke replies and I roll my eyes at him. He grins. "Most girls would absolutely melt if I said that to them!" He says, amused.

"Not me." I say, and dance towards the water. "I don't wanna swim, but can we walk in the water?"

Luke shrugs and follows me, reaching out for my hand. I grab it. The moment my toe touches the water I know I'm not going deeper than ankle depth. "Holy shit!" I exclaim. "How can it be so nice out and so freaking freezing in here?!"

Luke just doubles over with laughter and walks straight in, pulling me with him. I'm squealing in protest but he doesn't stop until he's knee deep, and the water reaches my waist. When he looks down at me, I pout and scowl and shiver, which just makes him laugh.

He leans down then, to give me a kiss. A sweet short kiss and it's the only warm thing right now. Our first proper kiss. Not our first though. And then I remember a memory I tried so hard to forget for a while.

*Meghan's flashback*

"Just hop on, quick!"

"Luke, I can't!" I can barely talk I'm giggling so hard.

"Go! Now! Hurry! You'll be fine!" he persuades and I turn back to the bus as the doors open. A grumpy looking Indian driver is sitting there and I almost shit myself. He's scary as! I quickly step onto the bus, turn, and hop onto Luke's back, tears pouring down my face as I laugh. I turn back, giggling, to see the bus driver making his way down the steps, looking furious.

"Holy shit, Luke, run!" I scream, still laughing, and Luke starts to run, me bouncing up and down on his back. He makes it to the end of the street before he has to stop at the dead end. The bus driver is only 10 metres behind us.

"Shit Meghan!" he yells, and I just let out a shriek of laughter in reply. "We're gonna have to jump!" he says, pointing to the fence in front of us.

"No, Luke, that's like an 5 metre drop!" I yell, but he's already twisted so I'm infront of him, and boosted me up and over the gate. I scream the whole way through the short fall, then I only manage an 'oof' as I hit the bushes hard on my back. Luke jumps right after I hit, and lands on his bum with a yell. Then we sit there and laugh as the bus driver yells insults over the gate. Finally, he says, "You're a dickhead, you know that?!" to Luke and Luke beams.

"I know!" he says, almost proudly, and the bus driver gives him the finger before turning back around. I continue to giggle, falling onto Luke, and when I look back up to him, I see him gazing down at me.

"What?" I ask self consciously and he grins, shaking his head.

"You're just so beautiful." he says, making me blush. He then lifts my head with one hand. "Can I ask you something?" he asks, his eyes as if he's staring into my soul.

"You just did." I reply cheekily.


"And again!" I giggle.

"I'm not even gonna ask then." he says, and then his lips crush down on mine, his desperation showing through the kiss. And I kiss him back, first because I'm unsure of what to do, then because I want to.

*end of flashback*

It's quite peaceful here, with Luke. Just the two of us. And it's saddening to realise that they'll be going to LA again. I squeeze Luke's hand and he pulls me closer, putting his arm around my waist. All I can do is make the most of today.

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