Chapter LX - Full Circle

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Wow. Looking at the little red plus sign on the stick makes me feel like my life really has come full circle. Wasn't it only last week that Alicia was sitting beside me, pale faced, holding this test?

Now I'm almost 20, I feel like I'm at the age where if I tell people I'm pregnant, they'll be happy for me rather than disappointed. Especially when I have Jai, who was kind enough even to get dressed and run down to the shop at 6 in the morning for me. So this time, the plus sign doesn't burn into my brain like Alicia's did, paralysing my arms and legs, but rather it shoots tingles down my spine out to my fingertips. I turn my face up to Jai's, and his expression is almost blank, but his eyes are lit. I remember how excited he was when he found out Alicia was going to have a baby, and how upset when he found out she wasn't.  I smile tentatively, and his grin breaks across his face as he wraps his arms around me.

"We're gonna have a baby, Megs. Us. We're gonna have a baby!" He murmurs excitedly into my hair, pressing his lips to the top of my head. "Shit, Megs. We're gonna have a baby. Oh shit." He pulls my face up to his now to bring our lips together, hungrily kissing me. When he pulls away I'm breathing heavily, my eyes closed still. I can't get the image of an angelic child out of my mind, dark brown eyes like Jai's and curls like mine. Little tiny fingers and toes.

Shit. I didn't think I was this kind of girl.

"What time do you reckon it was?" Jai asks with a cheeky smirk.


"When do you think we made this happen?" He clarifies, and I flush a little just thinking of it.

"Well, it could be any time, couldn't it?"

"I fucking hope it was last Saturday in the shower, I think that would've given you the best sample of what I've got to offer you."


"My sperm, Megs."

I laugh a little as he lays his hands carefully on my stomach. "Jai. I honestly don't mind what time it was." I whisper.

I rest my own hands on my still-flat belly and gaze up into his big, brown eyes. What a beautiful, angel's face. How can this be mine? My eyes roam his gorgeous face desperately. Dark eyes with an even darker rim of eyelashes that line them like ink, heavy brows, a straight, strong nose that's part of his traditional Italian features along with his high, sculpted cheekbones and shapely jawline. My finger trails down his jawline subconsciously to reach his chin, and my eyes follow. Full lips, bottom heavy, with a shallow cupid's bow, and the shadow of stubble around his upper lip and jawline. As I watch, his lips part slightly to take in a deep, slightly shuddery breath, revealing slightly the straight bottom row of teeth.

"Stop." He almost whispers.

"Stop what?" I ask, still focused on his perfect mouth, watching him take sharp breaths in and out. I catch his eyes, and they're cloudy with passion all of a sudden, pupils dilated.

He lays his hand on top of mine, which has almost reached his lips. "Stop doing this to me. You're killing me. Everything you do... I don't know how you can do this to me." He laughs under his breath. "I'm 21, but," his hand closes on mine and lowers it down to his crotch. My eyes are still focused on his mouth so I watch the little intake of breath then the slow, sensual smile forming. "Feel that?"

My words come out husky and low. "Of course I do." And of course I fucking do. I keep my eyes on his face but I can feel just him from the gentle touch of my hand.

"You just did that to me from looking at my face. Just watching you watch me, has made me so fucking hard, babe. I don't know how you do it." His chest is rising and falling rapidly now, and when I meet his eyes, they're heated and passionate. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, then his bottom lip drops open slightly again. "Fuck me." He suddenly whispers.

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