Chapter LIII - First Date

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! KICK THE FUCKING BALL!" Jai's voice stands out loudest from the crowd and I can't help the grin that's spreading on my face. The people surrounding us are disapproving, giving us both dirty looks and covering their children's ears. A while ago, I might have tugged on Jai's hoodie, telling him to sit down. Now, I find myself wishing that I'd been exposed to situations like this when I was younger. Maybe the world wouldn't be such a shock now.

As it is, Jai sits down anyway as the half time whistle is blowing, still cursing in a steady stream under his breath. The score stands at 2-0 Sydney, and the rain's just starting. Jai pulls me into his side, tightening his grip when he sees the camera flash on the aisle. Standing against the rush of fans is a single paparazzi, camera held to his face, lens dilated. "Fuck sake." Jai mutters under his breath, tucking my head into his neck and briefly brushing my forehead with his lips. His hands rub away the goosebumps on my arms.

"Holy shit!" He suddenly exclaims, "You're fucking freezing!"

"I'm fine, don't worry," I reply, but he's already unzipping his jacket and pulling off his hoodie from underneath. He passes me his hoodie, still warm, and I wriggle into it quickly, raindrops still splattering on my bare skin. I've barely got the hoodie on when I catch Jai's eyes.

His full lips are parted slightly, his eyes warm. "I never knew how much seeing you in my hoodie would turn me on." He almost whispers.

Then he leans in.

My eyes close instinctively and I tilt my head, until I feel his warm, soft lips against mine. Like before, it's different and exciting, and they hold their own against mine. I almost forget where I am, then a flash that I see even through my eyelids jerks me back to reality.

"Fuck." Jai hisses against my lips, then he pulls away and flips off the paparazzi. "I'm gonna ask you once," He yells, standing up. "Delete the fucking picture!"

The crowd is swirling though as people are making their way to get food and drinks, and Jai curses again as he realises that they're gone. He starts to squeeze through the aisle but I pull his sleeve. "Just sit down, Jai. You won't be able to find them."

"Fuck." He repeats, taking a seat. "Great. Just great. So in about an hour, everyone is gonna see that, then."

I bite my lip to stop the little tremble of panic that's forming. I don't really care who sees the picture, besides one person.


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