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The smell of alcohol, drugs, food, and various other items lurk in the air. A heavy base is streamed from the speaker in the living room, the source of groans and moans echoing through the house. The sun set many hours before and the temperature is resting below zero. Mable's hand flinches at every sound of something banging against something else. The urge to take the bag hidden under the mattress and leave being greater in this moment than any before. *If you try now they wouldn't notice* Mable thought. Getting up from the bed she opens the door. The same sounds she heard before increased in volume as she looked at the empty hallway. Quietly closing the door, she turns around to quickly tip toe to her mattress trying not to create too much noise. The bag had always been packed with the very few fresh clothes Mable had left. With her grip as tight as possible on to the bag Mable decides to open the door once again, only to step out this time.

The lude sounds are still echoing loudly around the house give Mable a higher chance of not being seen or heard. Walking past the door Mable sneaks into the Kitchen where the key to the lock resides. Reaching up on her tip toes, Mable can grab the key off the hook. She quickly walks over to the front door and unlocks it. ,,What are you doing!?,, her heart skips a beat at the familiar demanding tone.

Mable turns around to see her mother with the biggest expression of disgust and anger on her face. *Then....who is in the living room?* Mable stuttered at her thought, forgetting that this scenario was still a possibility. ,,I...wanted to get some water. We don't have any left,, she lied trying to defend herself.

,,BULLSHIT!,, Mable's mother shouts. She walks over and grabs Mable by her hair. ,,You wanted to leave, huh!? Go slutting around to other guys since you don't get any here anymore!?,, Mable screams at the pain shooting through her scalp.

,,No! I swear! It's the truth!,, she screams, but it falls on the deaf ears of her own mother. There was one person who wondered what she was shouting about, and he entered the hallway to see.

,,The fuck are you doing!?,, he asked furious that his own daughter's screams were disturbing his guests.

,,The bitch wanted to leave without us knowing,, her mother said, and Mable felt her heart drop.

Her father grabbed Mable's hair and dragged her towards the living room. ,,You want to whore yourself around, huh!? Well then at least do it right!,, Mable was thrown on the floor in front of the couch. ,,Have at her. Free of charge,, her father said leaving the room.

She looked up on the couch to see a middle-aged man and a young lady, both in their birthday suits. The man grabbed Mable by her arm and tried to pull her towards him. ,,No, NO! LET ME GO!,, she screams and kicks at the man, but his grip on her only tightens.

,,Oh don't worry sugar, he is very good,, the woman said to Mable and her fear increased. The man pulls Mable and pushes her down on the couch under him. Mable kicks and screams as much as she can, desperately trying to get away. The man suddenly groaned and let Mable go. "You little bitch! I still need that from him!" the lady grabbed Mable's hair and pushed her aside to check on the man.

Mable used the opportunity to run. Lucky for her the front door is still unlocked. Mable ran. She ran for her life, ignoring all the screams and threats behind her. She just ran. Her lungs are burning, her legs aching, and she doesn't know anymore where she is, but all she knows is that she is finally gone from torture. *Maybe I can find a small store that's still open?* she thought while looking around the dead town. Mable walked around for hours and found not a single store open. Not wanting the risk of being sent back home, she refused to knock on any doors. She is beyond tired, to the point that even the sunrise couldn't keep her awake. She sits down in an alleyway behind a skip. *Just a little rest* Mable thought as the exhaustion made her go to sleep, hearing the growling of stray dogs in the background.


The closing of car doors is what made Mable stir awake. She wants to sit up, but quickly realizes that her bound arms and legs are stopping her from doing so. ,,Are you sure she will be a good one. Scales will skin me if I bring another withdrawal,, Mable hears the muffled voice say from outside.

,,She will be a good one. She seems like an all-rounder. So, she can be a maid, an experiment, a....breeder....., you know, the works,, Mable wasn't too sure if they were talking about her. The car door opened once again as the driver steps in. Mable quickly closes her eyes. He starts the car and opens the window.

,,You could have at least brought her in a better condition. Look at her, who wants to waste their time healing that?,, the unknown voice said.

,,Trust me, you'd be surprised what some 'monsters' are willing to do. And also...,, Mable heard nothing, but the car running until suddenly a cloth covered her face. ,,Make sure they stay knocked out. Some of them are daring enough to run. By the looks of it, especially this one,, the substance on the cloth burns Mable's senses. She tries to scream, before she becomes drowsy again and passes out.


[Bang, Bang, Bang]

,,Order! Order in the hall!,, Mable's head is pounding and there is shouting everywhere. ,,Order! Show some decency,, she tries to open her eyes and is instantly blinded by bright lights. Slowly getting used to the brightness, Mable can look around her. She is still bound, now with tape over her mouth too, and placed on a stage. The people around the stage she can't clearly see.

She looks over to the main source of the noise and sees a man in a suit. At least she thinks it is a man. *Maybe he is dressed up?* she thinks as she looks at the green scales decorated all over his skin.

,,Sold! For 895 to the green witch with in the black dress,, he bangs with his gavel and screams. Mable flinched at being lifted and brought to the centre of the stage. ,,Now this one right here is a female inermis. Brought to us by one of our hunters, she was found wandering for hours. Shall we start with 500?,, people started shouting as it dawned on Mable.

*This is a human auction. I am being trafficked* Mable wanted to feel surprised, but she feels shame as the disgusting gut feeling was a familiar one.

Mable's heart drops and her tears start to flow as she heard the banging of the gavel. ,,Sold! For 7 million to the vampire in the suit,,.

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