10. How is that supposed to wake her up!?

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Y/n's pov.:

,,Shall we get started then?,, you nod at your teacher. She gets out the art supplies and helps you with your card. You were supposed to partner up with the other children as a team building experience, but nobody wanted to partner with you. Nobody ever liked you, because they always thought you were dirty. Your parents were acting lose on the first day and your clothes never fit you properly. ,,What does your mother like? Flowers? Clothes? You?,, you shake your head and draw what your mother loves more than anything.



,,Wine! I need my wine! Where is that little brat!?,, you reluctantly walk in your home dragging all the shopping in. You head in the kitchen and start to put it away. ,,Did you get everything?,, you turn to see your mother with fury in her red eyes. You shake your head. ,,What didn't you get!?,, it didn't take long for her to realise what you 'forgot'. ,,You stupid little brat! You did this on purpose, didn't you!?,, she kept on rambling and you didn't dare to cut her off. She should have known that they wouldn't ever sell alcohol and fags to a 13-year-old ,,Wait until your father is home!,,.


Your father is home. The one moment in the day you dreaded the most. Your mother was too lazy to give you a proper punishment, so she'd just beat you and later send your father. The worst you ever got was three years ago, when you couldn't buy the stuff your mother wanted. It was the first time he would beat you with his belt and pour boiling water on you after. Since then you had been stealing, but today you had been caught. Due to you still being a minor, your mother was informed. She picked you up and didn't do anything. ,,YOU LITTLE B***H!,, you flinch at your fathers shouting all the way from downstairs. You hear him stomp up the stairs and see him burst through your door. ,,Do you know what you could have done!? Now CPS is on our a**es! I hope they take you away from us! You want to be a criminal!? Then you can be a criminal!,, he looks back and in walks your uncle with a disgusting smirk. ,,Let us give you a push with your criminal career, as a prostitute,, your heart drops as your father closes your door.


The door closed as the woman left. You are still stuck at home. Your parents successfully fooled CPS for an entire year. In that year your father and uncle never stopped. You mother started beating you more often. ,,You attention seeking w***e!. Trying to steal your own father from me!?,, as she put it.

*You really need to leave! Otherwise I will not live past the age of 18* a voice in your head said. You feel like you are truly going crazy. Your parents were already drunk and high just shortly after she left. You went up to your room and snuck out your window. In this past year you also learned to read the signs of your parents, when they are out and when they aren't. You jump out and land on the grass. You head towards the forest. After a while you see the wonderful connecting pond. The full moon is out and reflecting on the pond, shining the flowers. The river it's connected to is flowing at a steady pace. You sit down, dip your bare feet in the water and just relax. ,,Finally! A good memory! Maybe not as pure as I'd like, but it is still good enough to heal you,, a random boy sits next to you. He is tall, has black hair and in general looks terrifying.

,,W- Who are y- you?,, you ask scared to move.

,,Oh, yeah. You still don't know me. Uhm....My name is Brandon. I was the voice in your head earlier,, he says it so casually, to the point where you mentally debated whether you accidentally took one of the drugs your parents bought. ,,You are not high, you are in a coma,, your eyes go wide at this. ,,This is why I never do this. Listen, in about a week you decide to finally leave the hell hole you call home, but you were extremely hurt and passed out. Some werewo-...people took you and sold you to my little brother. Long story short, you got stabbed by an envious maid my brother protected. I needed to find a happy memory so serotonin would be released and I can heal the wound,, he tried to explain.

,,O...Ok?,, you just answer. You believe that you are definitely dreaming.

,,You're not- Never mind, it's better than nothing. Uhm...why is this your happy place?,, he asked.

,,It's quiet, there is no chemical smell and it's beautiful,, you slightly giggle.

,,What is beautiful about it?,, he pried further.

,,W- Well, uhm...the way the moon shines on everything. Like the water as if it were a mirror, or the flowers,, you breath out smiling.

,,You like flowers?,, his voice lifted a bit seeming to find a common interest.

,,Love! I learned in biology that all flowers have a different meaning, even the same flower can have different meanings from which color it is,, you say with such enthusiasm.

,,Really?,, you he said, but you didn't realise he was concentrating on something else.

,,Yes, but I sadly don't know any of the meanings except for red hydrangea are true romance and white calla lilies are innocents. I never get to stay in school to study and I never have money to even afford a library card,, you start to feel sad and you see Brandon slightly panic.

,,I could get you a book! Or even better, I can get someone who has a crush on you get a book for you on your birthday,, you look up at him confused.

,,Someone likes me?,, he lets out a sigh in relief.

,,Yes, he doesn't admit it, but why else would he ask me to help you. He absolutely hates me,, you didn't exactly know what he meant by that, but something else pried your mind even more.

,,Why?,, he sighs.

,,I did a few things and made a few decisions everyone disagreed with. Now I am seen as a monster just because my tolerance is low,, he explained.

,,Were the decisions bad?,, you pry further.

,,I don't see them as bad, but they do,, he says with slight anger in his voice.

,,Well, I can't say much because I don't know what the decisions were, but you don't seem that scary to me,, you look over to him and he seemed conflicted.

,,Let's see how you still feel about that in a few minutes,, he gets up and dusts himself of. He held out his hand and helped you up. He pulled you close and kept his hands on your waist.

,,You can't swim, can you?,, you shake your head at his weird question.

,,Why?,, you asked confused, but then he sighs.

,,You are truly going to hate me after this. I need you to wake up,, his grip tightens and he pushes you in the pond.

You panic and struggle to get to the surface, but it doesn't work. You start to choke and lose consciousness.

,,How is that supposed to wake her up!?,, you hear.

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