2. I know

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The Picture above is how you were tied up, just a bit better.

Y/n's pov.:

They lift you back up and take you to a room *What is this!? Some kind of game? *.

They sit you down on the table ,,You will stay here and wait for the bidder to pay. He will then come and get you,,.

They leave you in the room. The only light in the room come from the moon outside. You are still exhausted and your knees start to hurt. *What did I ever do wrong to deserve this?* you start to tear up again and go into a sob. Suddenly the door is whipped open and you see a rather tall man with a decent length of platinum hair. He doesn't look like a body builder, but he still looks like he has muscle. He starts to move towards you and out of fear you crawl back. You forgot that you were on a table, because the next thing you know is that you fall back. You squeeze your eyes shut and wait for the embrace, but it never appears. You slowly open your eyes to see the man suddenly right in front of you face.

,,I am going to untie you now and remove the tape from your mouth. I need you to be quiet and not scream. I will answer any questions you have. Understand, darling?,, his deep voice sent shivers down your spine. You nod your head yes and he starts to untie you. The ropes were very tight and you rubbed the bruising. He saw that and delicately took your hand to inspect it ,,It will definitely stay for at least two weeks. We can put some ice on it when we get home,,.

Your eyes go wide ,,Home?,, you said with a hoarse and broken voice.

,,Yes, darling. As of now, you are my property. My home will be your home. Everything you do will be monitored by me. And I plead of you, don't cause me any trouble. I already have enough of that by buying you,, he said.

*It actually happened. I've been bought. Why?* he carefully observers your reaction and you even feel him wipe a tear away from your cheek.

You are jumped out of your daze when the door us slammed open and a furious older man is standing there with an older woman ,,We're leaving! Take your Inermis and let's go,,.

*Inermis? Do they mean me?* the older man turns around and leaves and you see the woman give a reassuring smile.

,,You heard my father, let's head home,, he grabs your arm where it is not bruised and pulls you to go. You weren't expecting it and falls straight to the floor in pain ,,I apologise! I should have asked if you can walk first. Can you?,,.

You didn't want to cause trouble. ,,I...I think so,, you slowly get up and try to walk, but every step you take is like walking on lava stones.

You check your legs and let out a whimper in shock. Cuts, bruises, dried blood and much more all over. The only thing missing is an infection ,,VOLTIAERE!,,. You jump again and fall backwards in a pair of arms.

Those same pair of arms lift you up and hold you close ,,You must be extremely tired and hurt. Rest, Darling. I will wake you when we're home,,.

As much as you wanted to sleep, you couldn't. You heart was pounding too much. *Where is home? What will I do there? Will they use me?* you start to panic and try to get out of his grip.

He looks at you confused and tightened his grip. ,,Darling, if you do that you might fall. What is wrong?,,.

,,L...Let me go! W...What do you w..want from me!?,, you scream.

,,Darling, please calm down. I want to get you home so you can heal and rest,, he says.

,,NO!,, you successfully fall out of his arms on the floor and crawl to the corner of the room. ,,Please let me go. I won't say anything. Please don't hurt me,, you say as you start to sob in a foetal position.

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