30. If you help me, I will tell you where your real mother is

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Y/n's pov.:

You just came out of the bathroom and find Voltiaere on the bed. You walk up to him and his eyes open ,,Hello, darling,,.

He looked tired and exhausted. ,,Are you okay?,, you ask a bit worried.

,,Mhm? Of course darling, just a lot of work,, he turns and makes some space for you on the bed.

You get on it and sit up against the headboard ,,Do you want to talk about it?,,.

His head lands on your thigh and his arms wrap around your hips. ,,It's just my father stepping up the plate, again. With all the attacks happening there has been more paperwork, the head alpha is not responding to us and much more,, you start to rub his back and try to ease some tension. ,,How did it go with Brandon?,, he asked.

,,It went...well? I honestly don't know. It seems we got through to Boru, but something is holding him back,, he groans when you press down on a certain spot. ,,Omg, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you,, you instantly pull back your hands.

,,J- Just a little,, he breathes out. ,,My ribs still haven't fully healed,, you hesitantly continue, this time avoiding his left side.

(A/N: Stop it you dirty minded people! We are not there yet! This is a safe fluff space...for now!)

,,So, nothing happened?,, you tense up a bit, but quickly continue.

*Should I tell him? It was just a dream* you still debate for a second, but one look at Voltiaere's state gives you your answer. ,,No, he shouted at some poor elf, but that was about it. He started crying before I could start talking,, you said surprisingly casual. Technically you weren't lying.

,,Mhm, well that's good then. I said to myself if he hurt you then I'd kill him, but soon realised I already did that to Brandon once,, you stop.

,,Voltiaere-/,, you say, but he instantly cuts you off.

,,Please don't. I know it was ages ago and Brandon has somewhat forgiven me, but it will be something that forever linger in my mind,, you just hum accepting the fact that he isn't wrong.

You feel bad for him, but it was a decision he made. ,,Do you want some food? I'm kind of hungry,, you asking wanting to change the subject. He gets up groaning and holds out ,,I- I didn't mean you get up, I would have gone and get it,,.

He shakes his head. You grab his hand and he pulled you towards him. He surprised you when he kissed you deeply. Your cheeks were burning once he pulled back looking at you ,,Even though it is really obvious, I appreciate what you are trying to do darling,,.

You sigh playing with his tie ,,I am worried about you. You can't keep harbouring these feelings, you know?,,.

He nods smirking a bit ,,This sounds kind of horrible, but that is what I keep you for. Maybe not the only thing, but still. All my emotions seem to go to you, but none of the bad ones. They seemingly disappear,,.

You laugh a bit ,,At least something good,,. You too hug for a bit. ,,But can we actually go get some food. I am hungry,, you both burst out laughing.

,,Who am I to deny my darling of food? Let's go,, holding hands you both go sneak to the kitchen and eat a late dinner.

,,When we go back can we please stop off at Ashton's and Isaia's room? I haven't heard from them since the attack yesterday and I'm kind of worried,, he stops eating and looks at you. ,,What?,, you ask clearly seeing his worried expression.

,,Uhm, darling do you know how many were injured yesterday?,, you shake your head. ,,Well, it was 34 injured and a few far worse, but Ashton and Isaia were one of the victims,, he moves so he can hold your hands.

,,Voltiaere, please just tell me if they are ok or not,, he sighs.

,,Isaia broke his leg, but Ashton...was majorly injured. According to Isaia he was chase by two werewolves, but we he won't say why,, your stomach drops.

,,Is he okay?,, you ask close to tears.

,,William put him in a medical coma, just so he can heal faster and not feel the pain as much,, he explained.

,,This is all my fault,, you whisper thinking out loud.

,,None of this is your-/,, you shake your head.

,,It is! Before he was chased they made me change clothes, because I had the same scent as you and they hid me an- and,, you start to hyperventilate a bit whilst crying and he just holds you close, trying to calm you down.

It seemed to have worked very easily, as if he had some effect on you. ,,Darling, you did nothing wrong and nothing is your fault. The only one at fault is me, ok?,, you nod knowing he won't accept anything else. ,,Ashton will be fine. He is healing and you can see him soon,, you nod again sniffing a bit. He tried to pull back, but you whined not letting him.

,,I've been crying, you'll see ugly,, he chuckles and released himself from your grip. He crouched down a bit and cupped your face, inspecting you. ,,Is ugly another word you use for cute?,, you pull away whining.

,,Hey,, you hit his shoulder giggling.

,,There she is!,, he kisses your nose.

,,Thank you,, he gives you a peck.

,,No problem darling. Let's finish the food, it's almost 12 pm,, you both do as he says and immediately head to his room to go to sleep. You naturally cuddle up to him and find comfort.


,,Sweetheart? Sweetheart please help me!,, you wake up to your father's voice again. You look up to see yourself in the same cold place. ,,Please Sweetheart, hear me out at least,, you get up off the floor and move towards your father's voice.

*It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream* you walk around the corner to see the man you hoped to have left forever.

,,Thank you sweetheart. You need to listen to me. Your mother is not your actual mother! She has me trapped! You need to help me get out of here!,, you stood there frozen not knowing what to do, only trying to believe it is a dream. ,,If you help me, I will tell you where your real mother is,,.

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