12. I had the exact same thoughts

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Voltiaere's pov.:

Beauty. A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

She is beautiful.

It is late or you consider it early. The sun has just set and the moon is starting to rise. Even it was early, you still felt like you slept the best in a while. It felt refreshing. You don't have to get up for another half an hour, so you just lie there. Admiring her. You know where your "feelings" for her are going and you know that it is more dangerous than anything to pursue them. You tense up, when she starts to move, but relaxes when she continues to sleep. *You still need to bring her blood to Brandon* you sigh at the thought that just came across your mind. You get up and dressed for the night. You cover her fully with the duvet and leave a note for Y/n, in case she wakes up earlier than she's supposed to. You sigh again as you make your way back to the infirmary *He might not even be awake at this time, but I still need to talk to him about what he saw*. You walk in and still see William asleep. ,,Wake up!,, he jumps up and checks his surroundings before realising it was you.

,,Why!? Volt, it is 5pm! For a normal human it is 5 in the morning! Why are you awake so early!? You normally are asleep till midnight!,, you just let him ramble.

,,You finished? I need her blood. I am in need to talk to my brother,, he just looks at you like you took his food.

,,I want to talk to you first! Are you okay? You've been acting strange since....well since Y/n has been here,, he says as he grabs the blood bag.

,,I am fine,, you say as you try to grab it from him, but he doesn't let you.

,,Volt, I am truly concerned. You are having dreams, your contact with your parents is almost as equal as your brother, you protect her like she is a crown jewel and you completely were against her going into the garden yesterday. What is going on!?,, he asked.

,,If I knew, then I would tell you. I don't know myself what is happening, but whatever it is, she will stay protected,, you catch him off guard and snatch the bag from him.

,,You sure she is human? Or could the auction have mistaken? Even worse of a possibility is that they misinformed you on purpose,, he said, but that just angered you even more.

,,She is human! And I know exactly what you are thinking! Touch her and you will feel unbearable pain!,, you warn as your eyes turn red. He gets the hint and backs down. You leave and head to your brothers' room *He is right. There is something about her that affects me in a way. Maybe Brandon would know*. You cringe at the fact of asking him for more, yet you can't deny that he is older and has more knowledge. You knock on his door and let yourself in. You see him still awake and close to draining a maid.

,,Leave! You can finish your business later,, he releases the rope and the young elf quickly covers herself and leaves.

,,You couldn't wait 20 more minutes or be here 2 hours ago?,, you roll your eyes and throw the blood bag at him.

,,Mum always said to stop playing with your food. You wouldn't be able to finish without your pup toy anyway,, he catches it and smirks.

,,I honestly wasn't expecting this and it is actually hers,, you wanted nothing more for it to be someone else's blood, but a deal was a deal.

,,Be grateful it is the only one you are getting. Not a drop more!,, he puts the bag aside and raises his brow.

,,I'm guessing you want to know what I saw?,, you don't answer him, but he can read you like a book. ,,Like I said, she is littered with bad memories and maybe one or two good ones. As you know her parents were horrible to her and she had a bad childhood. I know she told you what I saw,, he says smirking. This was the one thing you dread the most. The aftermath of Brandon's special power is that he can still linger in the mind, but unwilling. He has a special connection to her for maybe a week. He can hear her thoughts, feel what she feels and he can go back into her mind anytime without being near her.

,,You will leave her alone until that connection is broken!,, you threatened.

,,Trust me when I say, I don't want girly thoughts about you invading my mind,, you look at him confused.

,,She definitely thinks about you, which I don't get since you are her captor and you scare her to near death. She is even dreaming about you right now,, your heart leaped, but your stomach drops at his remark.

,,You're actually scared!?,, he asked shockingly.

,,I would ask if you were, but you don't have the soul anymore to be in my position,, he scoffs.

,,You're scared that if you court a human, she will be the target of many. News flash, you are the future air of this nest! You are the strongest vampire everyone has seen in millennia! Anyone you court will be your target! Not that anyone will believe that you actually court someone. You've been saving for your soulmate since I can-/,, he suddenly cuts himself off and looks at you sceptically.

,,What is it?,, you ask at his sudden silence.

,,Have you considered that she might be your soulmate? It would make sense for the feelings she has for you,, he asked with amusement.

,,The dreams,, you whisper, but your brother of course hears it with vampire hearing.

,,What dreams? Are you having dreams!?,, you sigh not really wanting to explain.

,,Yes, but they are all the same yet different. Every time she is close to dying, she appears in my dream and hints at how she dies. That is how I knew to come to you. It is also always in our garden, but it has flowers and a big tree that always changes,, you tell him with reluctance.

,,Do mum and dad know about this?,, he asked.

,,As if I would tell them! They'd think she's a witch and burn her. William even suspected it,, you tell him.

,,Well I can vouch that she is actually human, but the only other plausible reason there is that she is your soulmate,, he says with the amusement returning to his voice.

,,Brandon, that can't happen. Dad would kill her,, but he already knew that.

,,Then turn her,, he simply says.

,,It's not that easy,, you wonder why you are having this conversation with your brother of all creatures.

,,I beg to differ,, he says with a laugh. ,,Oh, come on! Leave your morale for one second and be selfish for once. We both know what could happen if you're not,, you try and block out the sour memory you share with Brandon.

,,And if she is not my soulmate!? Then I've doomed her with an immortal life of suffering!,, he just sighs.

,, You believe what you want to believe, but think about it. If she dies, you don't turn her and she is actually your soulmate, then you made the one mistake you ridiculed me for,, silence covered the room and you felt bad for your brother.

,,Brandon, I didn't-/,, you tried, but he just lifts his hand cutting you off.

,,Don't! I already know. Just, make sure you make the right decision. She is actually a girl with a big heart. She's innocent and not even her disgusting excuses for parents could chance that,, you decide to keep his words to mind.

,,You don't like what you saw?,, you say with a tone of voice Brandon knows to well.

,,Probably as much as you did when you heard. Your power still works?,, you nod and his smile turns sadistic.

,,Well then, I wasn't planning on going for a while with this blood bag, but I suggest we go hunting later,, he suggested.

,,I had the exact same thoughts,,.


It's short, but this and the next chapters are just fillers to keep the story going

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