8. I'm sorry, I should have been there for you

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Voltiaere's pov.:

,,48 hours. 48 hours? 48 HOURS! You three idiots didn't think for one second of the 172,800 to give her basic supplements!? I knew you maybe would need a little help to remember since you only need to eat once a week, but you two to!? We have humans in this house! You know what happens when they can function anymore? How they get there!?,, he tuns back to you. ,,You! I thought you were different from your family members! You bring her here risk my life to treat her and now she's on your "I'm angwy list" because she was curious and doubtful!? Reality flash, that is basic human emotion of someone who has been bought and taken to a random mansion in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! Only Satan himself knows what else she's been through! You all better get your emotions and thoughts in check, because if this keeps up then she will die any moment now!,,.

You growl at the thought and William growls back to shut you up. You and the other two boys are currently sitting in the Infirmary in guilt. At some point William started lecturing you all. *Hybrids can be quite dangerous when the opportunity strikes, especially William* you look back over to Y/n. ,,Will she be ok?,, you asked worried.

,,Oh! Now you're worried!?,, you glare at the Hybrid overstepping. ,,Yes, she'll be fine. I'm currently giving her everything. Vitamins, saline, glucose and much more,, you feel relief.

,,You two can go to bed. I'll stay here. Pack your stuff, because you two are changing rooms with Boru. My orders! She is still too weak to fend for herself,, they both gleam with excitement.

,,Room upgrade and we get to piss of Boru!? Life as elves has never been better,, they start to celebrate, but are quickly shut down and chased off by a still angry William.

You sit in silence for hours. ,,Will she be awake tonight?,, you look over at William who doesn't say anything. ,,You can't be mad at me forever! I know I am mainly at fault, but we can't change the past! Just learn from it!,, he sighs.

,,I hope she doesn't. I might give her medication to sleep so she is awake for tomorrow night and sleeps through the day till she gets used to a proper sleep schedule. Don't worry, she'll be fine,, you just hum at the Deja vu setting. ,,You still feel guilty don't you?,, you don't answer the question since he already knew the answer. ,,You said it yourself, you can't change the past. So, what do you feel guilty about?,, you sigh and get annoyed, because you keep avoiding it. ,,I....I said I'd treat her like any other, yet....every time I do I feel so much guilt. You see what happened! It's either I want to protect her or kill her. Why can I not just treat her normally? Why is she different?,, he stops for a moment to seemingly think about what to say next.

,,To me it sounds like you have a thing for her and you having your feeling jumbled is just the way you are,, you burst out laughing.

,,Me!? Having feelings for an inermis!?,, you continue to laugh and he sighs.

,,Think about it. You want to protect her, but you also want to kill her. You like her and you want to be with her, but you can't be with her because that is the most dangerous thing for her to do. She is also still human, meaning her blood still runs and is warm. Your natural vampire instinct is to drink her dry,, you know he's right about the second part, but feelings? ,,I get that you don't believe me, you have never been in a relationship as far as I know. Just be open to the Idea and be careful with it. Once you realise what it is that you have, it will scare you. Just don't be selfish and make sure your decisions are the best for her,, you get up in anger and leave.

*How dare he!? Like her!? No! It's just lust for her blood* you walk to your room to try and sleep it off, but stop once you open the door. ,,What are you doing in my room?,, you up to your bed, ready to throw out the intruder.

,,Well, I was kicked out of my room and I thought that meant you'd want me more often now,, he got up and started rubbing his hands on your chest. You sigh in annoyance and grab his wrists. He smiles hopefully.

,,Get out,, his smile drops and you push him off your bed.

You lie down and close your eyes, hoping for peace and quiet. ,,B- bu- But master you are clearly exhausted, let me help,, he reaches out for you.

,,Touch me and I will rip your arms out. Your 'special' services are no longer required Boru. Leave,, he stutters a bit before he starts to sob. *Dear Lord!* you knew something like this could happen when you made your deal with the werewolf, but never expected it.

,,I don't understand why you don't want me anymore. You loved my ways. It's because of her isn't it. Trust me master I can do everything better than her!,, he shouted.

You sigh and open your eyes to Boru kneeling in front of your bed. ,,Leave and stop calling me master. Use what the other maids use,, you go back to lying down and closing your eyes.

,,Y- Yes young Mr. Phantom,, he continues to cry as he leaves. You go back to trying to go to sleep.

A few hours later you wake up with a pit growing in your stomach. *Something doesn't seem right* you sit up and investigate the room. Nothing. Your hunting instinct kicked in once a strong scent appeared. You almost fell at the strength. You look under your bed to find a hospital gown. *That's not it* you keep looking around trying to find the scent that is dominant. You leave your room and try and track it. You are sadly not the best at tracking and go down multiple halls. You stop in front of the Infirmary *The hospital gown must be hers, but why is her scent dominant now?* you enter the room and see a panicked William with blood on him.

,,Leave! It's not safe for you here!!,, you pull back the curtain that obscured your view and your mouth went dry. William went back to Y/n and try to stop the bleeding.

,,What happened!?,, you asked.

,,I don't know! I was woken up when I heard her scream. The next thing I know she had a knife right next to her heart. Whatever attacked her was fast, because I couldn't see it. I'm guessing she was awake and struggled. I honestly don't care. One of her lungs are punctured and I have to put a tube in her now! You need to leave! There is blood everywhere!,, he tries to push you out, but you don't let him

,,No!,, you lift up your sleeve and help William.

,,Well, if you can concentrate then you can stay, but as soon as her blood gets too much for you, you leave!,, you nod and try your best to ignore the dominant scent. After two painful hours Y/n was finally stable and you sigh in relief. ,,We both know who tried to do this, but we have no evidence and this will reveal she is in the Infirmary. You have to keep your anger at bay,, you nod as you wipe of her blood ,,You ok?,, you just nod again keep wiping her blood. William seemed to get the hint and left you alone. You look back at her sleeping figure. Your guilt is eating you alive as your resist all your instincts to get up and just taste her blood.

*I'm sorry, I should have been there for you*.

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