Chapter 27: Christmas at the Burrow

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"Wake up." George whispers, his morning voice prominent as he spoke.

I slowly open my eyes, the light from the window coming through and illuminating the room.

The first thing I see is Fred, sitting on the edge of his bed slipping socks onto his feet.

George plants a soft kiss to my cheek, as I stretch and slowly sit up.

"Morning." George says.

I smile.

"Morning." I reply back.

Fred looks over to us, and shakes his head.

"You two couldn't go a night without sleeping in the same bed?" He questions.

I shake my head.
"Wow, nice Christmas spirit Scrooge."

Fred chuckles.
"Bahumbug." He teases.

I slide the covers of my leg and place them to the floor, then brushing my hair back with my hands.

I wanted to get back into Ginnys room before my parents woke up, and my dad found me in bed with George.

I turn my head, and smile, quickly leaning over and giving George a quick kiss before standing up.

"I'll see you guys downstairs." I say.

They both nod, and I exit the room and head to Ginnys.

When I walk in the room, Ginny and Hermione were already awake, sitting in Ginnys bed and chatting.

They smile at me as I walk in, and I join them on the bed.

"Snuck out again last night did we?" Ginny questions.

I smile and nod.
"Couldn't help myself."

Hermione looks down to my hands and noticed George's ring, her cupping her hands over her mouth in awe.

"He gave it to you!" She says excitedly.

I furrow my brow.

"You guys knew about it?" I ask.

Ginny nods.
"Yea, he was being super picky about it, so he showed it to us to get our advice."

"We loved it." Hermione cuts in.

I laugh, and look down to my hand.
"I love it to." I say.

Hermione smiles.
"Of course you get the romantic Weasley." She begins.
"Merlin knows what Ron's gotten me for Christmas."

I chuckle.
"Oh come on Mione, I'm sure he's done something nice."

She chuckles too.
"Yea, maybe." She says.

As we're talking, Molly's voice echoes in the upstairs hallway.

"Merry Christmas!" She yells, going door to door to wake us all up.

Weasley & Weasley: A Fred & George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now