Chapter 29: Leo

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This chapter contains SEXUAL MATERIAL that may not be suitable for some viewers.

Discretion is advised!!

This chapter is veryyy long because I got lost in writing it and just wanted too keep adding more lol.

It's a hard one to read, so prepare yourselves, but most importantly... enjoy.

Love u freaks ;)

It had been a few weeks since I got back to Hogwarts...without George. It felt really weird to be honest, and I found myself walking the halls to class alone, not having anyone I felt like I could really be myself around.

Don't get me wrong, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny are amazing, it's just not the same as having my two guys with me.

Fred and George are my people. They always have been.

I entered the great hall for lunch, sitting next to Neville, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione at a table. I picked up a piece of bread from the table and took a large bite of it, soaking in its flavor.

The mail showed up shortly after, and as I expected, I received a letter from George.

I quickly opened it up, and it read.

Dear Callie,

I first wanna start off by saying how much I miss you, and how I can't wait to see you for the shops celebration party.  I've been looking forward to seeing you since the moment you got on that train.

The shop has been killing it, me and Fred have been racking in the galleons let me tell ya.

Its honestly a dream come true. Well not a fully perfect dream anyways. Not without you here.

Open my next letter at bedtime, I want the last thing you think of before you sleep to be me..

I love you Cal,


I smiled as I folded the letter up, opening up the envelope to reveal another piece of paper inside.

I smirked at what it could be, my mind wondering rampid and my stomach fluttering.

Just then, the owls came back around, dropping another letter onto the table beside me.

I put Georges letter back into the envelope, and picked up the other one.

It had no name from who it was from, so I just opened it.

It read,

Hey Cal,

I know I probably shouldn't be writing, considering we know how the last time I sent you a letter went.

Don't worry though, it isn't a love confession this time.

I chuckled, now knowing its from Fred.

I continued reading.

I'm just writing to let you know how things are going, even though George has probably already given you every single detail.

We miss you, especially Georgie.

Geez that bugger never shuts up about you.

The shop had been doing great, especially the perks that come with it.

Turns out, the ladies love to hit on a business man.

Don't worry though, George has batted off every single woman that comes in here.

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