Chapter 4: The Hogwarts Express

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George had finally gotten all the bags settled into the train, and Fred and I joined him at the entrance of one of the cars.

You'll find out, kept ringing in my head, my thoughts running rampid as to what lied in store for me in the next 7 hours we'd be together on the train.

"Now for the 7 hour train ride," Fred says sarcastically, interrupting the clutter of thoughts in my brain.

"Hey, I love the ride there." I respond.

The long ride to Hogwarts was the part of the journey I always looked forward to. Some kids tend to get tired of it considering it takes so long and it's the same thing each time, but never me though. No matter how many times I see the scenery as we pass by , or hear the call out for the trolley, it always feels the same as the first time I ever experienced it in my first year.

"You would." Fred says in response.

I scoff.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I question in an offended tone.

"Nothing." He says.

I glance over to George, who seems to be paying no attention to me or Fred at the moment.

"You obviously meant something," I say, trying to get him to give an explanation.

Fred stands in silence for a moment.

"You've just always been the kind to love that sort of thing. You pay attention to the small things, the things that no one else really would." He responds finally.

I leave a moment of silence before I respond.

"And is that a good or bad thing?" I ask.

Fred takes his eyes and looks me up and down,
"Take a guess," he says, while grabbing the railing and entering the train.

I follow directly behind him, and George behind me.

Fred enters the first compartment he finds, sitting on the left side and watching me and George come in after him.
I take a seat next to Fred by the window, and George plops down across from  us awkwardly glancing to both Fred and I before looking out the window himself.

The train kicks into gear, and I hear the loud whoosh of the engine starting up for departure.

Ron and Hermione pass by the glass door, and Hermione peeks in noticing me sitting down.
She quickly pulls open the door and enters the compartment, squealing loudly and bending down to give me a hug.

When we release from our embrace, I looked her up and down.
She looked quite different from the last time I saw her.
Her curls were much more defined, less frizzy and crazy as they had been in previous years.
Her skin was glowing, and her dark brown eyes seemed to have a new glaze over them that attracted you right when you look at her.
Her freckles were much more defined on her face as well , and she carried herself very differently.
She looked quite beautiful.

"How was your summer Callie?" She asked in a very energetic voice.
She plops down next to me on the bench, and Fred scoots over letting out a large sighs as he does so.

"It was great actually. I spent most of it at the Burrow with Ginny, and when I wasn't there I was with my parents at home." I reply.

"Oh that's sounds like great fun!" She responds, her voice high and pleasant.

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