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It's been two weeks since they found out that Nikichan was one of Eiji's soulmates.

His two friends clicked together like puzzle pieces. Eiji's exuberant and excitable personality was paired perfectly with Denki's quieter but quick witted and sassy personality.

With Denki and Toshi being moved into the Kayama residence for a trial period while paperwork was being filed for their adoptions, the two boys were over at the Aizawa-Yagi residence almost daily. While it took around a week to get used too, he's come to enjoy and look forward to the visits. Looked forward for the laughter that filled the house and even more excitingly, the lengthy discussions with Denki about everything they could think of.

He still got nervous that Shouta and All Might would realize that he just wasn't worth keeping in their home and would prefer the company of their new soon to be nephews though. He'd gotten it stuck in his head, though the voice that was reinforcing the ideas didn't sound like his, that he was too broken and too much of a disaster to be truly wanted. That the people around him were only tolerating his presence. They were only doing everything they were doing so that they could say they "did something good" for a charity case like him and then send him off into the world. Shouta and All Might were always quick to try to tell him that, that wasn't the case but he just couldn't wrap his head around it.

He wanted to trust that they meant what they said.

He really wanted to but he just couldn't with everything that his mind threw at him in the dark of night.

They'd talked to him the day after the "flour bag incident" as they began to call it where Toto had a new bag of flour slip from his hands and explode in his face and around the kitchen. They told him that they wanted to put him into therapy.

Then they had to calm him down after the mental break down he had. All he could think of was that they were sending him off because he was broken and after he was fixed they would throw him away. That they didn't want him to be apart of their family. He was just a guest that would be switched out for the next "down on their luck" kid they came across.

Shouta told him that they wanted to help him, give him a safe place with an independent, nonjudgmental third party to help him through everything he's endured. Support him in becoming healthy. Help him on his journey to being happy. He truly didn't deserve the kindness and care of these two phenomenal human beings.

They talked to him about the therapy and that once he's in a better place mentally they'll start to work on what they needed to do physically. See if he needed any surgery for his injuries, old and new ones. The fact that all his bones and joints and muscles were losing the pain he'd grown to accept early on in life was confusing. It was something he wanted to bring up with Dr. Kageyama sooner or later.

Meeting Dr. Kageyama last week was nerve wracking and he knows he wouldn't have been able to get through it all if he didn't have Shouta and Toto waiting for him outside the door of the room he and the doctor occupied. The two didn't even talk about what had happened in his life like he thought he was going to be forced to do. No, he was allowed to just talk about whatever came to his mind. Dr. Kageyama had asked him a few basic questions like if he was comfortable, or if he wanted anything to drink, what he thought about his living arrangements, if he felt safe where he was in that moment and where he went to after the session was over.

They were all quite simple questions he could answer.

He was even allowed to ask about her quirk.

It was a manifestation quirk that allowed her to bring small organic tissue to fruition. As long as she knew the chemical and biological makeup of what she wanted to manifest she could bring to life anything from the size of an atom to a cantaloupe. Izuku had gone off into a short rant about all the things she could do with her quirk as it was now. From what she could do in science to running her own farm with her ability to create seeds. He asked her what brought her to becoming a therapist. A profession where she rarely used her quirk and she told him that she had only really experimented with her quirk in middle and high school when she was trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

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