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"Where in the fuck do I even start?" Neito's face is buried in his hands and he sounds so tired.

"Language, Toto." Izuku is quick to reprimand him after swallowing his mouthful of noodles.

"Japanese. I thought you spoke it too?" A bright sapphire eye peaks out from between fingers and an eyebrow quirks up around the tips of his fingers. Toto's face is dragged out of his hands when he's graced with a small giggle. "Seriously though, Zuzu. Please tell me everything you just told me is some super elaborate prank and none of that actually happened to you. Please? I'm begging here, honey." Neito gives Izuku his best impression of a sad puppy and his face dropped when the greennette shakes his head, mouth chubbed out and filled with broth from his soup.

"Nope! I was confused too." Izuku set down his empty cup of noodles and bowed his head in concentration. "I still can't figure out why he wants to train me to give me his quirk.I'm just a useless nobody." He shakes his head and furrows his brows. Why would All Might waste his quirk on him? There had to be someone else that could be a better fit for it.

"Don't you fucking dare, Izuku. You are NOT useless. Stop letting that ugly blonde asshole fill your head with lies." Neito on the screen huffs out an angry breath and then takes a deep breath. He knows he can't yell at the boy, because then he'll just hang up the call and be mad at him. He knows. He's done it before when Neito tried to convince him to let him see him. He may have had more planned once he had his sights on the boy like essentially kidnapping him but that's not the point! His little friend was being brainwashed, beaten and abused by his soulmate and the worst part is that the boy has turned to forcing himself believe that he deserves it in order to cope with what's been happening to him.

His little Zuzu has come so close to dying so many times in his short life and it's all been because of one little asshole. Oh how he'd love to wrap his hands around the blonde throat and just turn his quirk back on him. Love to show him how it feels to have nitroglycerin explode on his skin and create permanent scars. That's not how to save Izuku though unfortunately. The small boy would only cling to his so called soulmate and try to protect the bastard if Neito were to just beat the boys ass. He'd probably scare the boy if he did it too, which is the last thing he wants. Izuku doesn't need to be scared anymore. He needs to be shown real love. He needs at least one person in this world to show him that he's safe with them. Neito knows he's that one and only person right now.

He hopes now that apparently All Might is in the mix he'll start to not only believe him but have All Might there to back him up. He's going to have to convince Izuku to let him go see him. He only lived three train stops away from him, and if he gets into U.A. next year then he'll be even closer to the boy. He'll be able to protect him. He'll be able to explain to the Number One Hero what's happening with Zuzu and maybe even get the blonde removed from Izuku's life completely. Zu would hate him for it but he'd deal with it, as long as the boy was safe.

"All Might called me heroic, Toto. Why would he do that when all I was, was in the way?" Neito looks back up to stare at the green haired boy and see that his eyes are brimming with tears. It breaks his heart to even think that Izuku is hurting on the inside just as bad as on the outside.

"No Zuzu, you weren't in the way at all. You told me that all the pro heroes on sight weren't doing anything to try to control the situation, right?" He waits for Izuku to acknowledge his question and nod his head in answer. "Then how could you have been in their way? There wasn't anyone doing anything to get in the way of, sweetheart. Just because you weren't able to save the Pomeranian by yourself doesn't mean you were in anyone's way either. Do you know how many times a day pro heroes team up because they can't fight a villain all on their own? That was rhetorical Zu, I know you know the answer to that." Neito jokes with the boy when he see Izuku open his mouth to actually answer him. "What I'm trying to say Izuku, is that you WERE a hero today. Even though hearing that took at least five years off my life." The last part was muttered under his breath, no need to worry the green bean.

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