Midnight Part One

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"Alright people, I've still got things to do! You don't have to go home, but you do have to leave mine." It was maybe three and a half hours since he'd been welcomed into the Yagi residence, eaten dinner with four new pro heroes plus All Might, seen the room and home that said pro heroes built just for him and now All Might was ushering everyone out of his house so that the two of them could head back to his mother's apartment to pick up his last good uniform and some things so he could sleep over.

Whew! That was a mouthful even inside his own mind.

He watched as Midnight and Present Mic whined about having to get up from the kitchen island and collect their things from the living room to leave. Snipe on the other hand was just laughing at the two of them and stood, leaned up against the wall that lead to the front door. "Quit yer bitchin' and get ta steppin'! I wanna make it home before Brutus eats the couch again, Zishi!" (Zee-She) At the sound of his fiance's pleading to get 'get to steppin'' Present Mic groans and gives a sad looking nod.

"We were just having so much fun, Jamie!" The pouting lip that Present Mic sported at that moment could rival that of a tantrum throwing three year old.

"I know, I know, love. But we've all got class to teach tomorrow and we can always come back on Friday for our weekly game night." Snipe took the blonde into his arms when he was close enough and gave him a kiss on the top of the man's head. Said blonde just gave another whine and then pulled back from the hug to gather the rest of his things.

Izuku had learned a lot about the relationships going on within at least this group of heroes. Present Mic and Eraser Head were soulmates but weren't together in anything but friendship. Present Mic was in a romantic relationship with Snipe. While Snipe had a name on his wrist that was not Mic's, it was said that it didn't matter. That they still loved and trusted each other. Snipe had made a statement about being able to find his soulmate with the of "Phillip Stevens" was about a one in a million in one chance. Snipe doubted that the man lived anywhere near him and just hoped that his soulmate was as happy as he was.

It made Izuku take a moment to reflect on the relationship that his own parents had and what he'd seen the two of them do and go through before they eventually broke up and his father left. He'd taken that moment to decide to think on it further in his own time and go to the duo if he had any questions.

Eraser Head had told Izuku, when asked, that he was completely fine and ecstatic that his soulmate found someone to make him happy romantically. He'd done a little side look towards All Might after he said that but the conversation was taken over by a giddy Present Mic and took his mind away from the look.

He'd found out that Midnight was single and not looking for her soulmate. Said she was perfectly content without them and her life as a single mother didn't hinge on finding her soulmate, but making sure her son and herself were happy and healthy. Izuku admired Midnight before he'd met her but with when he met her and got to know her a bit that admiration only skyrocketed. He'd only known her for maybe three hours and he already felt like a part of her family.

You could tell that she was a proud mother. She had a running commentary about how 'Dabi did this' and 'Dabi did that' and 'Dabi is going to kill me for talking about him like this' and Izuku found it to be entirely too sweet. Midnight had tried to show him pictures of her son but was quickly shot down with a rule of 'no phones at the dinner table'. She just stuck her tongue out at All Might and told him that she'd show him later.

"Midoriya." A gruff but quiet voice from the dining room caught his attention. He saw that it was Eraser Head and took a final look around the living room and at what everyone was doing before he made his way over to the raven. "I'm not too sure how much Toshinori has told you about me but I was wondering if you would mind if I could come with the two of you while you pick up a few of your things from your old house." The man's voice was tired and sounded, for the most part, uninterested with Izuku's answer.

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