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There's mentions of alcohol abuse and abuse in general in this chapter. Please read with caution. 


It's been about four hours since he and Zu got to the beach and it looked like Izuku was about to pass out. Izuku had hit his limit of big things he could lug to the truck about an hour ago and when he refused to stop for the day, Smaller Might relented and let him work on the smaller trash. Neito had run down to the 7-Eleven he found Izuku at earlier in the day and bought a box of biodegradable gloves, no need have Izuku working against himself. After all he started filling metal trash cans with with smaller things like soda and beer cans, glass bottles went all in separate cans and electronics were put in one of their own as well.

Izuku was adamant on sorting through the mounds of trash and making sure everything went to the right place to either be destroyed or recycled. Izuku is just so wholesome it hurts just that little bit more to know that he's bullied for something as trivial as not having a quirk. Like hasn't he proven himself without one? Neito thinks he has, and obviously All Might had or else they wouldn't even been here. It just frustrates the blonde.

When Izuku finally sat down after having Neito help heave the last trash can into the bed of Smaller Might's truck he was almost immediately asleep. Thankfully Neito was able to almost predict this happening and had packed his gym back lightly in anticipation of having to carry the boy to his house.

He and Smaller Might looked on at the boy with fondness and admiration. They see the fire that's in the boy and it helps fuel their own. They're both proud of the green curly haired boy and are anticipated great thing to come from him. They can see that he's actually better than them, that he's going to change the world by just being himself.

"He did pretty good today. Got more done then I thought he would. With you here on the weekends, should be done by the middle of summer break." Smaller Might brought a hand to his chin and furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. "I'm going to head home and draw up some meal plans and workout schedules and work tweaking our plan because to be honest now that I'm thinking without being livid beyond reason I'm thinking our plan may need a little work. Do you need help getting him home? Need a lift there?"

Neito thinks on the offer and then brings up the only thing he really questions about the drop off. "Do either of us actually know where he lives?" The two blondes look at each other trying to gauge if either of them know the answer before Neito sighs and looks towards the almost passed out greennette. "So that's a no. I wonder if he's conscious enough to give us his address?" He mutters the last bit under his breath as he crouches down in front of the boy slouched against the concrete wall lining the beach. "Hey, Zu?" He puts a hand on the boy's shoulder and nudges lightly at it, trying to look under the fringe hiding the boy's eyes. "Zuzu, are you with me? What's your address? We need to take you back to your house." There's a small whine that comes from Izuku that makes him chuckle. "Come on, you can't sleep out here, Hun." With another whine Izuku lifts his head to look at the two blondes in front of him.

They're both wearing amused smiles so they get an pout in return. "Fine. Only because I need a shower to get the sand off of me." Izuku finally relents knowing he wouldn't be able to make it to his house on his own two feet. The address Neito inputs in his phone seems to not be too far from where they're at now. He can't tell if that's a good sign or not.


It's not.

Izuku lives in the middle of Sketchville Japan and it's got Neito on edge. No wonder Izuku is always telling him about hero fights and villains he''s seen. They're all right here in his neighborhood. The moment they turned onto Izuku's street Smaller Might was poofed into his All Might alter ego and Neito appreciated it. Maybe if the countless of sketchy people they've seen walking up and down the sidewalks and standing on the corners of the streets won't try to kill them if they see that it's the Number One Pro Hero All Might behind the wheel.

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