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"Mom I'm home! I got some groceries! I'm sorry I'm so late I-" Izuku stops mid sentence when he sees that his mom is at the stove making dinner herself. She barely gives him a second glance, keeping her focus on what's on the stove.

His mom heaves a deep, irritated sigh before calling over her shoulder,"It's fine Izuku. It was my fault in the first place to trust that you could do something as simple as get dinner done before I got home. Why don't you just pick up what you got and go to your room. You can have the kitchen when I'm done."

Izuku knows she doesn't want to hear any excuses so he just keeps his head down and starts to pick up the groceries he'd gotten. Keeping the bag of disinfectant, mild over the counter pain killers, burn cream and bandages close too him to bring back to his room. He'll just wait until his mom goes to sleep to make some cup ramen if he's still hungry later, he doesn't want to bother her more than he already has.

Making sure all the labels in the fridge and pantry are all facing the same way he shuts their doors and quietly makes his way to his room. Making sure to keep his steps light and quiet on the middle boards of the hallway. The squeaks tend to grate on his mother's nerves. He's really just been a big bundle of "in the way" today hasn't he? He shuts his door behind him as quietly as possible. He's going to have to put some more solvent on his hinges soon, he can feel them start to do that thing before they start squeaking.

Flipping his bedroom light, he sighs and take a quick look around his room. Sometimes in the mornings he'd move around too fast and knock things over but this morning he was pretty on time. Didn't hurt to double check would it? He looks to his bed and sees that his plain black comforter was still in place, bed neatly made up with his single purple pillow in place. His lamp on his desk next to his bed was indeed turned off this morning. He couldn't remember if he did or not, it's a relief to see he did remember it this morning. All of his notebooks were still in numerical order, placed firmly against the wall behind his desk. Desk chair pushed under his desk, all his pencils and pens in their respective holders, everything perfectly in his place. It seems the only thing out of place in his room was his singular All Might action figure atop his desk shelf. It must have fallen over when he slammed his door shut this morning.

He gently places his backpack and bag from the store on his desk chair, leaning over to set the figurine upright again. "I should really change out of his uniform so he can get it washed." he's quiet when speaking to himself, voice barely above a whisper. Carefully shrugging out of his, he's careful to not jostle any of the cuts, bruises or mild burns on his body. His shoulder was beyond sore from everything that's happened today. It was the main reason he'd gotten the mild pain killers.

He steps in front of his full length mirror hanging on the back of his door and studies his chest and arms. Old scars and freshly healed new ones mingle together heavily across his shoulders and down his arms. Bruises were everywhere but the biggest one wrapped around his upper chest, running right under his arms and all the way around. He twists his body as best he could to see the thick line of bruise go all the way around, a perfect circle of bruise. He wishes he had a friend with a healing quirk, it would make bending over and stretching easier. Then again that would completely undermine the lesson he was taught so he shakes the thought away. The pain is what drove home his lessons, made him remember what he was had been taught after the lesson was over. He didn't need a friend with a healing quirk, he just needed to be better. A better soulmate. A better person. A better friend.

Speaking of friends! He needs to let his friend know what happened today! Toto is going to flip his lid when he finds out he met All Might!

He turns to his chair and starts to rifle through his backpack to find his phone. It was just a flip phone but that was all he really needed. Kacchan had told him he didn't even actually need one, since the only people he should be talking to was Kacchan and his mom. But Izuku's mom told Katsuki herself that he needed to have one in case of emergencies. His mom had given him her old smartphone, but after Kacchan broke it one day teaching him one of his lessons for downloading what he said was useless apps he didn't need, his one got him the flip phone he has now. It was a sturdy little phone. It's stayed intact over many drops and Kacchan throwing it and even being stomped on by Katsuki's friends. He was grateful it was still intact though, because it means he gets to keep talking to his friend.

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