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When he saw...

When he woke up and saw those white hospital walls he felt himself start to crumble.

He closed his eyes to save himself from an instant headache at the bright lights in the room.

"No." Was all he was able to croak out before his throat protested hard. It was so dry. He tries to swallow but his mouth is bone dry so he just gags and wheezes.

"Hey, hey. No, sweetheart. Don't talk. Here, take a sip." There's a voice right next to him but he doesn't know who it is. The bright lights in the room keep him from opening his eyes and he just focuses on the cool water that starts to fill his mouth. "There. That's better, right?" The soft voice coos at him and put a firm hand just behind his shoulders to help him keep himself upright.

He doesn't even attempt to speak, just nods his head and gulps greedily at the next cup of water that is put to his lips. It's refilled once more but this one he'll take his time with. Taking a deep breath to try to calm his breathing from drinking so much water so fast, bringing his left arm up to wipe his mouth from the excess. His right arm felt numb and he didn't even want to look at it right now.

However, he did want to know who it was that was helping him. They deserved a thank you. He looks over and is barely able to pry his eyes open before he hears a monitor start to speed up the same time his heart to try to beat out of his chest.

Blonde hair.

Red eyes.

Fuck no.

He starts to scramble to the side of the bed. Just to drop to the ground the moment his feet hit the floor. The chill of the ground raises the hairs on his skin but he can't think about that right now.

He needs to get out of the room before he actually dies this time.

Mitsuki's heart shatters when she sees the fear that crosses Izuku's face. She's up and out of her chair the second he starts to freak out.

"Izuku, no! Sweetheart, no. I'm not my son. It's Aunt Suki! I promise Katsuki is no where near this hospital." She doesn't dare touch him. Not until he sees that he knows that it's her and not Katsuki. Izuku must have decided that it was too much for him to try to get out the door and just curled himself into the corner next to the door.

Crouching next to him and putting her hands out to him palm up down to show him her manicured and polished nails. Nails that her son would never have. Nails that she knows her son's soulmate knows Katsuki would never have.

"It's Aunt Suki, Zuzy. You know I would never hurt you, baby." She keeps her voice calm and as soft as she can. The last thing she remembers from the last time he was over at the Bakugou household was how scared he'd gotten when the volume in the house was raised. Remembers how he jumped and flinched as voices pitched higher than normal speaking.

Still, he refused to acknowledge what she was saying and showing him. Terrified and trembling against the hospital wall. The sting behind her eyes as she watches him shake and mumble to himself. It feels like acid. Her stomach churns and she feels like she's to blame for how this sweet child has been put through.

It is her son that's done this to him after all.

"I'll, um. I'll go get someone else for you, Zuzy." The words are thick in her throat and she swipes violently at the few tears that manage to escape over the brim of her eyes. She doesn't deserve to cry.

She carefully stands up and tries not to make any sudden movements. Slow and easy steps towards the door her surrogate son had previously attempted to make his way to were taken and the door opened without a sound. She stepped not even a full foot out into the hallway before she was being questioned by her husband.

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