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After Izuku had made it back to the beach, the truck had already made it back with an empty bed with All Might's friend already gone. He had wished he could have said thank you but he'll save it for the next time he sees him. Toto asked him if he was okay when he caught sight of him and Izuku held back a sigh at the over concern that his friend was showing him. He just let him check him over and told him that he just tripped while running.

He didn't want to make his friend even more worried or trigger an over protective instinct in him that would have him watching every step Izuku took. He didn't tell him anything about what happened on his run for the same reasons. He knew Toto would go and try to track down his new friend Shinsou and give him a thorough check through and that was the last thing he wanted. He loves Toto with his whole heart but even Toto said that having his very own secrets and keeping some things to himself was perfectly fine and healthy. He also didn't feel ready to face those heart stuttering emotions he was feeling and wanted to think on those for a bit more.

So that's what he did when Toto finally released him from his check over. He went onto the beach sands and got lost in cleaning up the once beautiful coastal view. He could hear and sometimes glanced over to Kirishima and Toto working on their quirks, trying to improve their stamina and quirk effectiveness. They were stopping frequently for iron boosted granola bars and working through quite a bit of Gatorade. Izuku was sticking with his water that he's almost lost to the sea twice from setting it too close to the shore line.

He'd cleared out a full one third of the beach since they'd started training and he was way ahead of schedule on the clean up. All Might was impressed with him but told him not to overwork himself. Izuku was a stubborn and overachieving human though so to clear his mind during nights where it got to be too much, he'd come out to the beach with two large trash bags and pick up as much little trash as he could while thinking. He'd managed to come to terms with a few things and confuse himself further with a few others, but at least he was cleaning up the beach in the process. He was helping not only himself but the environment as well.

Truth be told he feels he should have been doing this years ago. He shouldn't have been told to or bribed with a quirk to clean up the beach that is literally down the street from where he lives. He's a big advocate for promoting healthy environments for wild life and yet he turned a blind eye to the absolute landfill that this beach became. He;s disappointing in himself for not doing something about this sooner and for different reasons. He's resolved himself to cleaning up this beach on a weekly basis even after he's finished with the task All Might gave him. He should have been doing more and he's doing what he can to rectify it. The beach was one of the reasons he came back to do his late night thinking.

It wasn't the only thing that he thought of though. No he mostly thought about Kacchan and all that he's been through with the blonde he still loves and is fated too.

Yes he still loves his soulmate. He's been such a big part of his life for so long that it's hard to just stop and rip him out of his heart. Kacchan was his very first friend. He was the one that would help him clean up his scrapes and give his bruises kisses. He was the only one he'd ever feel he could trust and be himself around. The only one that actually understood him.

He remembers the joy and smugness that they both felt when Kacchan's name made itself home on his wrist and when his very own appeared on Katsuki's. It felt like the his world was making sense. When his quirk didn't come in around the same time as the blonde's or all the other kids in their class it was Kacchan that kept his spirits up for a full year and a half. He'd defend his soulmate against any and everyone. Screaming at them that his Izu was just late in getting his quirk. Kacchan was the one that let him cry on his shoulder when his dad left, claiming that he needed find his real soulmate so he could have a "useful" child. Katsuki was most livid with Hisashi Midoriya than anyone else. Said the man was a "dumb fuck" for leaving his family for something as stupid as a quirk showing late. He didn't even believe the doctor's for at least five months after Izuku got his results and was declared quirkless. He was sure that Izuku had a quirk and it his little green haired best friend and soulmate was just a late bloomer in his quirk manifestation.

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