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"But you DID though! You socked him right there in the middle of the hallway and it was he most satisfying punch I've been witness of! He just dropped like a sack of rice and you escorted your damn self to the principle's office. It was glorious. It was beautiful. It was so... you!" Present mic was currently ranting about how Midnight decked a guy in the four of them's third year of high school. Snipe, Midnight, Present Mic and Eraser Head were all in class 3-A back in high school and had been telling stories of their time together all dinner.

When Izuku and All Might had first walked into the house, Izuku was dumbstruck by all he was being presented with. He was still reeling in the offer made to him about his living arrangements and then he was thrown into a room full of his favorite heroes. The people who inspire him to be the best he can be on a daily basis.

He head had spun and he felt lightheaded for a solid five minutes before All Might had asked the people in his living room if they'd finished dinner yet or not. It was no mystery that they'd at least already started it with the smell of food cooking that hit them on their way in.

It was Midnight who'd stood up and said, "Of course we're done! We were just waiting on you!" while she escorted him the kitchen when the smell of Katsudon assaulted his senses. He was nearly drooling by the time he was sat down next to where Midnight set her bowl down.

He with Midnight to his left and All Might to his right at the head of the table. Present Mic sat across from Midnight, Eraser Head sat across from him between Mic and All Might, and Snipe took the seat at the other head of the table. The stories and chatter went none stop after they'd said their thanks. Izuku had little idea of who exactly they were talking about but laughed along with them as he listened to the stories that were being animatedly talked about.

It was the most he'd laughed in a long time.

"Yeah well, he'd been pissing me off for as long as I'd known him and when he decided to grope me, he crossed a line and I'd been done." Midnight rolled her eyes and took a large bite of her nearly finished bowl. "To be quite honest I was just surprised that no one else did it before me." She stopped for a moment and had a thoughtful look on her face. "Then again I was probably the only one he harassed that had the family money to put him in his place." She grimaced and then shook her head. "Either way it seems I didn't put him far enough in his place. You see his kids? He full on drove one out of his home and didn't even give a shit. Thank Kami I'd been patrolling around there when he left that hell house and show that poor baby some love. I don't think he'd be anywhere near on the path he is now if I didn't step in and show him what a real parent is. Since, ya know, he put his wife in a mental house after having that breakdown. I wish I could have gotten that Gremlin as well. All four of them." She makes a frustrated noise and set her spoon down. "I'll be right back." She doesn't give anyone a second glance as she stands and heads towards a hallway.

Izuku must have had a concerned look on his face because Snipe was quick to speak up and address his concerns. "She'll be fine. She's just going to call her son. Talking about the Twatapotamous gets her angry easily. Which is why we don't normally bring it up around her," Snipe gives a pointed look to Mic who looks sheepish as he lowers his head and takes a bite of his food.

"I wasn't trying to make her mad. It was just so satisfying. The way he just dropped gave me chills." Mic looked up with a pout on his face which received a roll of the eyes.

"Just be more mindful in the future sweetheart." Snipe reaches a hand out to Mic's shoulder and gives him a look that said "it's okay" and Izuku's heart warmed. Everyone around this table was so loving, open, and patient with each other.

"It's not you're fault that worthless waste of space is what he is, 'Zashi." Midnight comes out from the hallway and walks up behind Mic to wrap her arms around his shoulders< giving a hug from behind while placing a kiss on the man's temple.

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