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What was he even doing there? He was just an intruder. Monoma and Izuku didn't need him there. He felt like he was invading their privacy even though he was ten feet down an alley way with an unconscious blonde he doesn't know while the two conversed on the sidewalk quietly. He didn't belong there. Monoma was just being polite when he invited him along. He was probably doing this as a last ditch effort to try to get him off of his back. He was just irritated with his presence and thought if he finally agreed to hang out one time that Kirishima would get the hint and back off. This was a mistake. He should just walk to the train station and go home. He should have alre-

"Hey, Kiri!" The sound of the blonde down by the entrance of the alley has Eijiro nearly jumping out of his skin. "I want you to meet my best friend! Come see, please?" The blonde is looking at him and a big bright smile is on his face that makes Kirishima second guess his thoughts for a second. Then he doubles back because Monoma is probably just trying to be nice in front of his friend. That doesn't mean Eijiro isn't in the way and a bother.

The look on the boy under Monoma's arm is a shy one, an apprehensive skeptical look that has Kirishima on his guard but it makes him put a big toothy smile on his face to try to ease the other boy's obvious skepticism of him. He closes his mouth and gives a closed smile instead when he sees the green eyes that were focused on his widen in surprise and what he assumes is terror. He gets that a lot so he's used to it, but it still makes his heart clench in disappointment and fear of being judged once more before on his appearances.

Eijiro slowly stands and then makes his way over to the two that now stood on the sidewalk instead of sitting like they were earlier.

"Kirishima this is Midoriya. Zu this is Kirishima, my friend I was telling you about." Monoma has his hand open and palm face up when he gestures to either of them and it makes Kirishima feels more comfortable that pointing for some reason. Probably because he's used to being pointed and laughed at.

After Monoma says his name, the already big green eyes that stayed focused on him grew even bigger with excitement and wonder that confused Eijiro. The boy instantly left Monoma's side where he was sort of hiding behind the boy's body and was Eijiro in an instant asking his questions left and right.

"Oh my Kami! I finally get to meet you! Toto told me about your quirk and it's so cool! He told me you can harden your skin and use it almost like a shell of armor around your entire body! That's so cool! Are your teeth a part of your quirk? Are they always like that or only when your quirk is activated? Either way it's insanely awesome! You've always got a way to protect yourself and protect others if you need! Oh you're going to be such an amazing hero! If that's what you're going for of course! You could do so much with your quirk! Like rescues and demolition or keeping people and yourself protected from flying shrapnel or bullets or falling debris and you're able to probably chew through legitimately anything which is a feat all in itself since I struggle with the most random of things to chew through and you're able to lift and move probably anything you want since it seems you work out regularly and the fact that your quirk is an all over body quirk you most likely don't get hurt as often but using your quirk for extended periods of time probably wear you out pretty quirk since it more than likely uses the iron or calcium in your body to harden your skin which would have you exhausted after a while and leave you insanely hungry which would mean extra training to keep up with both your physique and quirk which would just send you back to - I need my notebo- oh thank you Toto - which would send you back to needing to eat which would just have you in a repeated cycle of eating and training so you'd need something to eat which is high in protein and iron which most seafood would provi-"

That was about all Eijiro could make out before the boy's voice got so low and fast that he couldn't understand him anymore. He was writing in the notebook that Monoma had out and ready to hand to him before he even asked for it, and that pencil was going a mile a minute. Eijiro's jaw hung loosely as he stared at the boy that just held his hand, even though his quirk wasn't activated, to examine and looked at him like he was a work of art that deserved to be admired and looked after. He looked at him like he was a treasure or a diamond in the rough and it almost brought him to tears. No one has ever looked at him like that or straight up complimented his big, sharp, terrifying teeth. He's never been called cool before and his quirk was looked down on because it was flashy or even that visible as almost everyone else's which a physical quirk.

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