Midnight Part Two

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After he'd promised All Might that he'd talk to him after they'd returned back to the Yagi household, he'd turned towards the window next to him and just watched.

Watched as the trees passed by and houses progressively got less nice and more weathered. Luscious green grass thinning out to patchy lawns with brown spots. Wooden fences transitioning into wire ones that were half rusted over. He felt a certain type of comfort as they got closer and closer to where he lived. He knew how and who he lived with wasn't healthy or beneficial to him whatsoever but it was the only place he'd been able to call home for the last seven, maybe eight years of his life.

His apartment complex was rickety and falling apart but it was where he was able to lay his head down and hide himself away from the world. His little bedroom was his safe place for the majority of his life and he was still on the fence about just leaving it all behind. Just because he was offered something better didn't mean he was free to take it and leave behind his previous life with no consequences. What was his mom going to do when he left? Who was going to make her dinner when she got home from work? Or clean up the house? Take the trash out? Get the mail and sort it out? Go to the store to make sure the fridge and pantry had food in it? He knew the rent and water bill that was attached to it was going to be a nonissue but everything else required upkeep and payments needed to be made.

The electric and gas bill needed to be paid on time and in full or it would be shut off. Izuku had figured that out after a call from either of the companies called them to inform them about the facilities being shut off because of payments not being made. He was informed that they had been two months behind but Izuku's mother told him he'd have to "deal with it" because she didn't have room in her budget to pay for either.

He didn't understand at the time why it wasn't in the budget when he was the one hat made the budget for them but soon found out that both of the portions had gone to his mother's alcohol addiction. He'd pleaded with her to either cut back or stop all together but was just given a fractured wrist when she'd twisted it while accusing him of calling her a "bad mother". He apologized to her and just picked up little jobs here and there to pay for the bills himself without letting his mother know where he was getting the money from.

Thankfully she never really took notice when the lights and gas came back on and never questioned him about it.

There were a few kind souls that he would do small jobs for, like walking pets and babysitting and helping with landscaping, that would overpay him and refuse to take back the extra so he'd just put it aside and used it sparingly for what he needed. He'd dipped into his small savings to get parts for his computer, to get a new, cheap pair of shoes after Kacchan had burnt his old ones to a crisp, and when he needed to replenish his small supply of medical necessities.

He would have to remember to grab his safe before he left tonight. He knew his mom didn't know about it but he felt anxious just leaving it in his closet where it could be found at any moment.

Just as he starts to make a mental note of everything he needed to grab from his house he notices that they were maybe two blocks away from his apartment.

"Left up here and it'll be the beige apartments at the end of the street, right next to the stop sign." All Might pointed out his apartment complex to Eraser Head and Izuku felt his palms start to sweat.

What if his mom was home? It was just past eleven-thirty at night so she would either be passed out on the couch, almost passed out on the couch nursing one of her bottles, or not home at all and still with their landlord slash her kind of boyfriend. He was hoping that she wasn't home at the moment so he could just leave a note for her about him not being home for the night.

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