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"Please Kacchan, I just need to go home. I promise." He was pleading with the boy that pinned him to the school's hallway. He wasn't lying either. He needed to head home to grab his gym bag he left by the front door this morning. He didn't need to have Katsuki bashing his face in before he went to go meet a potential new friend. He remembers the last time Neito saw him with a black eye and bruised cheek. He was beyond angry and almost broke his knuckles while training with All Might. He didn't want his friend upset like that again so he'd been trying extra hard to avoid Kacchan lately.

Kacchan was Kacchan though and he was smarter than what most people gave him credit for. In the three weeks since he'd started training with All Might and Toto, Katsuki had watched him enough to figure out his moves before he made them. He figured out which exits Izuku was going to use on what days and finally cornered him today.

"Where the fuck have you been disappearing too, Deku? Every time I turn around you've run off somewhere. You're not avoiding me are you?" The blonde slanted his eyes at him and snarled out his next words. "I thought I taught you not to do that, Izu. Did you not learn your lesson?" He cocks his head to the side and Izuku whimpers when the blonde's hands start to heat up and the hand that moved to his throat started to tighten. Izuku struggled and clawed at the hand there. "Do you need another one?" Katsuki flexes both of his hands and tears begin to well in his forest green eyes. He's finally able to barely wedge the tips of his fingers under Katsuki's and tries in vain to pry the hand from his throat.

"Please." The corners of his vision start to blur and blacken when he breaks and tries to plead with his soulmate to release his grip. The hand on his throat doesn't let up though, only grips tighter and heats up like the one gripping into the front of his shirt. His toes point down and he's able to brush them against the tiled floor. His mind and body panic when he's slid up the wall just that little bit more so he was no longer able to feel the comfort of just barely touching the ground. He was fully suspended in the air and completely at the will of his soulmate.

He was terrified.

It seemed Katsuki was waiting till the tears finally spilled from his eyes, because just as Izuku's brain was getting just a bit too fuzzy and his vision too black, his tears started too flow down his cheeks against his will and Katsuki let is grip loosen. He found himself scrambling to brace himself as he was fully released and dropped to the floor without a care.

His throat burned and throbbed relentlessly as he greedily gulped down the air he was deprived of for almost too long. He couldn't help the sob that broke through, everything hurt and he didn't know how to get out of the situation he was in at the moment. His thoughts ran a hundred miles a minute and he couldn't find an exit to run. The hard flinch he gave when Katsuki crouched in front of his to gently raise his face and their eyes meet each other seemed to give the blonde a sick pleasure. The smirk on his face was one of pride and disgust. Then his face turned into a look of feigned hurt and concern.

"I thought you loved me, Izu. Why do you insist on trying to hurt me by leaving me every chance you get? Don't you love me?" The words were filled to the brim with a venom that shook him to his core. It promised him a violent beating if he gave the wrong answer.

"I do." Scratchy voice and tears streaming down his face must have been what Katsuki was looking for because he had a smile on his face that had all his teeth on display. He looked feral and calm all at once and his heart nearly stopped in fear when the hand on his chin slid too his cheek and a thumb swiped at the tears that refused to stop streaming down his face.

"If you do then let me walk you home. I just want to make sure you're safe, Deku. Couldn't let my precious soulmate get hurt on his walk home, now could I?" It wasn't a question. It was a poorly hidden threat. He wouldn't have been able to find his voice even if it was sitting right in front of him so he just nodded.

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