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Shouta Aizawa-Yagi

Slowly the police, and the few investigators he'd been able to get a hold of at this hour, trickled out of the Midoriya apartment. It was just nearing three in the morning when he found himself sitting on Izuku's makeshift bed.

The boy's room, if you could even call it that, was a depressing sight to see. He could tell how much the boy treasured the small space he had. The care he put in to the things he seemingly built himself. He made sure that after all the evidence and pictures that were needed were taken, he cleaned up the small room to the best of his abilities. Taking mental notes of the things that seemed like it would be of importance to the small boy. His mind decided that he'd be packing up everything except the tattered clothes, the bed, makeshift desk. The blanket and pillow weren't given a second glance.

He searches around the small apartment for a suitcase or box to put the child's belongings in but comes up short. He was about to say 'fuck it' and just put what little there was in to one of the bags he'd found when he heard noises coming from the living room. Swift and silent steps were taken to the front door.

There was a man standing just inside the door way leading to the living room with a blank face that was only betrayed by his eyes. There was disgust, rage and most prominently there was sadness. The man's figure was shaking like a leaf but Shouta doubted that it was from the temperature in the room. He stood tall in the door way, taking in the entire scene. Light brown, spiky hair. Light brown eyes. Narrow nose turned up in barely concealed anger.

"How much of this was his doing?" The steady voice was not expected but Shouta took it in stride.

"That stain in front of you when he had Izuku on his back, scorch marks over there when they transferred him into quirk cuffs, the spatter across the back of Izuku's door from what I'm sure we'll find out about soon enough, the chair that's half burnt over there in the kitchen when he'd hyper extended his quirk to break free of my scarf. There's more evidence on Izuku than in the apartment." Shouta eyes the man as he speaks, watching his reactions as he pointed everything out. Giving him the quick gist of what all happened without going too in to detail. He has a feeling he knows who this man is but doesn't want to give anything more than what he knows will end up in the papers tomorrow in case he's wrong.

The brunette takes a deep steadying breath as he looks down to the half dried, small pool of blood just in front of his feet. That was when his mask finally broke.

A sob ripped from his throat and he all but dropped to his knees in front of the blood Izuku left behind.

"Where did we go wrong? How did we go so wrong?" The words were muffled into his hands when he brought them up to scrub at his face. "We read all the books and gave him all the love he could ever want or need! Mitsuki was always quick to clip the tantrums at the source with patience. Taught him forgiveness and to "do onto others as you would want them to you" and all that jazz." A choked off cry cuts off his rant.

Shouta stands in the hallway leading to the bedrooms, letting his eyes roam around the room to give the man a moment to collect himself without the feeling of being watched. His attention is brought back when the crying comes to a stop.

"We fucked up somewhere along the way and Bee is the one paying the consequences of it. I know for a fact he'll never blame us but there's never going to be a day that goes by where I don't think about the fact that my son almost killed his soulmate, one of the sweetest little boys I've ever met, just because he doesn't have quirk." The empty and resigned voice strikes a cord in Shouta.

"At some point kids start making their own decisions. No matter what you teach them or what paths you try to show them, they're still their own person. There's only so much that a parent can do." Shouta takes the few steps over to the man that was still on his knees in front of the blood pool, before placing a hand on his shoulder. "There's a time where the child's choices in life stop being your responsibility and it becomes their own." He waits till the man looks up at him to finish.

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