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Shouta Aizawa-Yagi

"So they're here because you didn't want them to get lost in processing because you thought they meant a lot to me because they were hidden in my floor and had to categorize and make list of all the "concerning" things written down in my notebooks because you didn't want someone "incompetent" to do it and you and All Might still want to adopt me? Even with reading just how broken I am?" His small green almost son lets out another sob.

This was about the fifth time he's re-worded why he has his kid's notebooks. He didn't mind explaining it to him as many times as needed, but he was running out of ways and words to phrase the same thing over and over.

"Izuku. You're not broken. You've been traumatized. Broken is what your arm was. You're not broken, kid. Please take that to heart. And leaving your notebooks with anyone but myself or Naomasa was was a hard no. I don't trust a lot of people, especially with things that concern my loved ones, and Masa was already up to his ears in what to do with everyone else involved so I took the responsibility of taking note of all the evidence inside the book. Hopefully with all that I've gathered from it, you won't be seeing the inside of a court room any time soon." He tells the still sobbing child in front of him once again.

He quiets for a moment to let Izuku process the words once again before taking his kid's scared hands in his. He needs his to understand wholeheartedly that he meant every syllable of what he was about to say.

"As for adopting you, we've always wanted a kid or two but never really had the time or had our hero schedules and my school schedule sync up for long enough for us to gather all the paperwork and and Nori take the classes or have a case worker be able to sit down with the both of us at the same time for it to be possible. Welcoming you into our home and life and family is not a spur of the moment decision, I assure you." He holds steady eye contact to convey that they actually have put thought into this decision. That they won't turn around and change their mind. Won't regret adopting him.

"We want kids. We want you. You fit so well in the family already. You're such a kind and passionate kid. Even if you weren't you're still a sassy little shit that makes both me and Nori laugh, which is one hell of a feat. let me tell ya. You, Izuku, are not perfect, but we're not either. No one is. We just want to make sure you know that we already consider you our son and apart of the family. We just wanted to put it on paper and make it official. We wanted to give you peace of mind that we're here to stay. I love you, Izuku. We love you. We'll consider you and love and support you like our son till time ends or or the world stops spinning, whichever comes last. That won't change regardless of your answer to the papers. Even if you decide that you don't want to be adopted by us, we'll foster you till you find a family you eel you truly fit in with. We'll always be here for you Izu."

Shouta hopes that this one sunk in, but he knows that he'll be saying it over and over again for possibly years to come. He knows that healing takes time and effort. For Izuku, he'd reassure his his kid for as long as it takes for him to process that he wasn't going anywhere unless it was a body bag and he's pretty damn set on growing old and grey and brittle. He'll be putting more effort into making sure his son is happy and healthy and growing like he's supposed too, than he does into anything else. More than either of his careers.

Hell, he'll put more effort in Izuku than he does his marriage if he has too.

Izuku has been through too much, and deserves to much more than what he's been given to just be put second for any longer.

This is his child no matter what any legal papers say.

He comes back from his inner promises and resolutions to find Izuku in his arms. 'When did he get there?'

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