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"I SWEAR TO FUCK IF YOU'VE FOLLOWED THAT POOR BOY HOME TO DO GOD KNOWS WHAT I WILL STRANGLE YOU THEN DISOWN YOU, KATSUKI! THERE WILL BE KNOW SALVATION FOR YOUR ASS! YOU WILL BE WRUNG DRY I SWEAR!" Neito had to pull the phone away from his ear in fear of damage being done too his eardrums. This was not what he was expecting when he answered the other blonde's phone. He expected a lot, but this? Never. "I would gladly accept the charges that would be put on me if you did anything to sweet little Izuku. I swear Katsuki. Anything at all and you'll regret the day I gave birth to you with the beating you'd get. You get away with a lot but I draw the line at harm to that boy. Do you want to go back yo those classes? Do you want to be sent to that school your dad and I found and showed you? I will not hesitate, Katsuki." A chill went down Monoma's spine at everything that was hissed out. He'd tried to say that he wasn't Bakugou but the voice on the other end of the line had him stop dead in his tracks. He was not about to interrupt this woman.

Who was apparently Katsuki's mother.

Who also apparently held a soft spot for the little abused green gremlin.

Katsuki's mother who seemed to not know that abuse was still happening towards the gremlin for some reason.

The unconscious blonde in front of him must be lying to his family about what was happening between him and his soulmate. Which would be easy since Izuku didn't fight back and leave marks on the blonde. It must be so easy for Katsuki to hide that he's abusive towards the boy, especially since Zu has an unfortunate skill at lying and hiding. Neito's stomach flops and flips at the thought.

"This isn't Katsuki." He's finally able to find his voice when the woman on the other end of the line demands and answer from who she assumed was her son.

There's a pause and then a some shuffling and what sounded like a car horn before the woman was speaking again. "If you're not Katsuki then why are you using his phone? Where's my son?" The calm in the woman's voice sends a chill down the blonde's spine. Do all Bakugou's have the ability to strike fear in others? Is Katsuki just a work in progress to what his parents are?

Oh that's a terrifying thought.

"Unconscious in an alley next to 7-Eleven? Wait! That sounds really bad! I swear I'm not a bad person! Oh that sounds even worse and makes me seem like a bad person." Neito groans out and then takes a deep breathe to start at the beginning of what happened. "My name is Monoma and I'm Izuku's best friend. I was coming to meet him to work out at the beach a few blocks from his place and stopped at 7-Eleven that's closest to his house. I was at the cashier and looked out the window and saw, Zu. I was happy I wouldn't have to go to his house, but then he looked like he fell then your son crossed my sight and I knew Zu didn't fall but your kid pushed him so I went to go help him and found your kid standing over little Zuzu spewing the nastiest of slurs at him and looked like he was just gearing up to hit him again so I called Katsuki's name, he turned around, and I hit him and then I hit him again because he was still alert and more than pissed off and then he was unconscious so I went back to Izuku and he was in the middle of a panic attack so I was trying to calm him down and-"

"It's been forever since I've heard mumbling like that. What 7-Eleven are you two at? I normally take the long way home so I can make sure Izuku gets home. I'm still in the area." The woman on the other end of the line is no longer raging and sounding like reaper ready to harvest a soul. Now she sounds sad.

"Uh yeah we're at the one on Kazuki, three blocks from the beach. I'll stand at the front of the alley. I'll be the blonde kid that looks out of place. I'm kind of hard to miss." He gives a short chuckle and goes to stand up and walk over to the entrance like he said he would.

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