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AN: I do want to warn that this chapter does have some things that may be triggering for some. Does mention self harm and abuse. Neito explains what happens to Izuku and it's not pretty. Just wanted to give a heads up. Please read with caution my Gremlins.

This couldn't possibly be the place. This was a landfill, not a beach. What in the holy hell were they- Oh. Okay. Well played All Might. Two birds with one stone. Now if he can find his little friend before All Might gets here.

Neito pulls out his phone from his front pocket and inputs his password with ease to bring up Izuku's number. He finds the contact "Green Gremlin" and presses call. There's two rings then a winded but quiet "Hello?"

"Are you okay, Zu? Are you running? Do I need to come find you? I'm at the beach you told me to go to." The questions come rapid fired and he knows that worry is dripping from his voice. He can't help it. His friend is almost constantly in peril. There's a loud shriek and then more running. "Zu?!" the only response is more labored breathing and sounds of running. "Izuku!"

Suddenly all sound coming from the phone stops abruptly. Neito takes his phone away from his face and looks to see if Izuku hung up the call. No, his name is still displayed across the top and seconds tick away adding to the length of the call. He brings the phone back up to his ear, closes his eyes and strains himself to try to hear anything. He thinks he can make out some muffled yelling and running. His anger flairs when he realizes that Izuku is running and hiding from his dear soulmate.

"Zu. Text me where you're hiding at and I'll be there in five minutes okay? I don't want any excuses. Just tell me where you are." He says everything quietly through clenched teeth then hangs up before Midoryia could get in a work otherwise. Thankfully Izuku listens to him and the shorthand text tells him that he's four blocks away at a 7-Eleven. Neito quickly looks up "7-Elevens near me" and finds that there's two but they're on the same street, so he'll quickly search the first one and move on to the second one if he needs too. He takes off running in the direction of the nearest 7-Eleven. He doesn't stop running until he comes across three boys yelling into the air and checking down alleyways.

He knows that spikey blonde head anywhere, he made sure to memorize the bullies face in case he had ever came across him. Now's not the time to beat the blonde till he begs for mercy, he has to get to Izuku.

"YO!" one of the boys behind the blonde yell out too him, but he acts like he didn't hear them and keeps his head down. He hopes he can make it past them without being questioned. Then the blonde in front sets his eyes on him and he knows that hope is now lost.

"Yo! You seen a green headed little runt running around?" The other blonde stares at him in the eye, it seems like he's trying to intimidate him. Cute.

"Nope." The emotionless, confident and blunt response seems to surprise him. He must have been waiting for a shake in his voice or something.

"You sure about that? The little fuck needs to be taught a lesson." Katsuki looks him up and down then takes a step closer. The other blonde may be taller than him but to Neito that means nothing. Neito may be shorter but with his quirk and his training since he was young kid gives him an edge over most. Monoma both walk the walk and talk the talk. He's cocky for a reason and he really hopes he can show that to the other blonde. He smirks when the blonde frowns at not finding any fear in Neito's eyes. "Maybe you could take his place. Seems you need to be taught a lesson too. Need to learn your place when people greater than you are in your presence." The sneers just makes Nieto chuckle and look towards his shoes.

"I don't think you want to do that. I promise it won't go how you think it would." Neito looks back up to Katsuki with what he knows is a crazy look. Unlike his best friend, Neito refused to be bullied and came up with a counter that gives him a wide berth at school. He gives the taller boy a face splitting smile that looks deranged, eyes wide and feral looking.

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