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Toshinori Aizawa-Yagi

Toshinori liked to think of himself graceful and poised in most situations. Only losing control over his emotions, facial expressions, and knee jerk reactions a handful of times in his life since receiving One For All. First being when he received One For All, obviously. Next when he lost Nana, he lost a lung and half his stomach over that lose of control. Then he lost control at finding out he lost those organs, which wasn't that big of a surprise with all the drugs that were running through his system at the time. Finally on his wedding day, when he married his best friend and love of his life.

So all in all, Toshinori thought of himself as a cool, calm, and collected individual.

Right now though he was choking on his lavender infused chamomile tea and his tongue. He hears the click of a camera and shoots a glare at the small woman in front of him. He catches his breath and says, "First you drop a bombshell on me and then you capture the moment my soul tries to leave my body? Not very nice, R.C.." He gets a short snort and shrug of the shoulders at his statement. Shaking his head he takes another, very careful, sip of his tea trying to wrap his head around the information that was just dropped in his lap. "What do you mean when you say what you did?"

"That Midoriya in there has a quirk? Exactly what I said. He has a quirk. Keep up or you'll be losing your title of number one sooner than you intend to give it up." She rolls her eyes at him but he knows she was at least partially joking with him. "I don't care what his previous medical records state. He has a quirk. There's no logical reason for him to be healing as fast as he has let alone to have survived all the damage I've seen in his scans without one. I've seen damage like that in two different types of cases. In corpses and tetrapledic, otherwise known as the quadriplegic, patients. Neither of those cases are up walking around, Toshinori." Her deadpanned voice sends a chill down his spine.

"His scans were really that bad? What about the quirk you say he has? Do you think it has something to do with how he's healing?" The dead look in Recovery Girl's make him feel like he's missing something.

"I'm saying the quirk that I know he has, is what has kept him upright and alive for this long. Like I said in the hospital just last night, there's only so much hardheaded determination can do to keep someone alive. I don't know what type of tests they ran to determine that the boy was quirkless because not all the methods were documented. Which worries me by the way. Every case that determines a person quirkless, details every method tested to get the result. Every case I found had dozens of methods tested to be positive of the determination of the patient case at hand. The fact there's none documented and then that the doctor that was written in as the acting physician isn't anywhere to be found just tells me that someone was trying to cover something up. I'm guessing that they couldn't determine what exactly his quirk was and just gave a half assed test before giving their decision. I'm willing to bet 21 hundred yen (2107.26 yen = 20$ U.S. Dollar) that they only checked his pinky toe and said "that's good enough"." The small woman shakes her head in disappointment and anger before mumbling out, "Fuckin quacks."

Toshinori was reeling in information. There seemed to be a serious case of malpractice revolving around the small green gremlin laid up in the guest room. The small gremlin that has apparently defied logic in surviving the abuse and straight up torture he's been through. "Why would they declare him as quirkless if he has a quir- did you just say 'fuck'?"

The woman steamrolls over his last question and explains her reasoning. "If I was to say anything right now without any further examinations or blood work, I'd say the quirk was either force manifested after he got severely injured for the first time. Or the idiots that were tasked with testing him for a quirk didn't feel the need to look in any place but his toe for indications of a quirk. Didn't test if he was double or triple jointed, had an extra tendon in his wrist, protruding cartilage in his ear, a fused tail bone, or if he was born with an appendix. Those were just the non invasive tests you could run on someone to determine if a quirk would manifest when he was younger. There's so many more tests run nowadays to determine quirk manifestation, especially with so many kids manifesting multiple quirks now. The only reason I could say that those weren't run was if either of his parents denied testing or their insurance company wouldn't pay for them. It would have cost around," she tips her head back to think for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, "maybe 4750? Not expensive at all so I don't know why the tests weren't run. The only thing I found was that the toe x-ray was done and a simple blood test was done of all three members of the family to determine if there was an anomaly with Midoriya but nothing was noted. I don't know if that was intentional or a simple over look of information or if there really was nothing to note, but it doesn't look like the labs ever came back with the information." (4740.95 yen = 45 U.S. Dollar)

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