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Izuku Midoriya

"You know you don't have to be here. You could have gone to school, you know? All Might's got me covered." Izuku was trying to figure out why his best friend decided to take off a whole day of school just to come and worry over him.

After his phone call with Toto last night, his Uncle Ru had come back into the room with Eraser Head in tow. A small discussion between everyone had everyone on the same page about what was to go down from there on.

The Aizawa-Yagi's were going to place temporary guardianship papers in at the courthouse for him in the morning so he wouldn't be processed into a foster home. Aunt Suki and Uncle Ru were going to take care of what they needed to about their son. (He didn't feel comfortable calling their son by his name after a talk with his best friend and realizing just how bad things were.) Then they were going to stop by after they were finished to help Izuku settle into his new room at the Aizawa-Yagi household. It was decided that only after Izuku healed would it be okay for him to move into the mini house set up in the back yard for him.

They didn't want to limit or take away his choices but it would be easier for him to move around in the main house. Along with get meals, take showers or baths, stay on track with his medications, and go to and from the appointments that had to be made for him. Izuku was more than happy and willing to take the deal.

He was just worried about the offer being taken back completely. The muttered comment was all but thrown out the hospital window when Eraser Head put his foot down and told him that there wasn't a single thing in the world that ever make them revoke the offered made to him. He was told that he was welcome in their home for as long as he chose to be in it.

It had brought on tears from Izuku and a plethora of appreciative comments from his aunt and uncle.

Izuku has never so loved and wanted in his life. It was a lot to get used to if he was being honest.

"You know damn well that even if you and Shio were able to force me into that school, I wouldn't be able to focus on a damn thing. I'd be worried about you too much to even think about whatever they were trying to teach me. Besides, I probably already know the material." He was given a hard look and returned it right back. Till Izuku looked like he was about to tear up. "Fine. I'll ask Kiri if he can bring me whatever work I miss today." Izuku gives his friend a satisfied smile that turns into a grimace when he tries to shift further up on the bed.

He was currently in the guest room down the hallway from the room that was dubbed his. All Might had told him since he wouldn't be able to get out of bed anytime soon, that he'd have to order what he'd need for his room so that someone could go pick it up at the store. Izuku was handed Shouta's (the man insisted that he be called by his name instead of his pro name. Had said that it was weird hearing his pro name in normal conversation. Plus they were sharing a home and were well beyond just acquaintances) tablet and told to "Go wild, Young Midoriya".

Which lead them to where he and Toto were now. Trying to situate themselves on the guest bed to find things for Izuku's bedroom. It took forever and a day to get Toto to calm down enough to not have a foot out the door to go commit the murder of his aunt and uncle's son but a few well placed pouts and tears had his favorite blonde on the bed with him. Izuku put his head on his best friend's shoulder and got into a comfortable enough position to not be in constant pain.

"I'm still mad." Toto makes the offhand comment as he clicks on the tablet and launches one of the apps to start looking for things to furnish his room with.

"I know. Thank you." He snuggles his cheek into the shoulder he's leaning on to show his appreciation.

"For what though? I wasn't there to protect you." There was a bitter tone in Toto's voice that Izuku absolutely did not like.

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