Chapter 9: Chasing the Past

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Chapter 9: Chasing the Past

When AnnaLee woke up, her first instinct was to find Maks.

Unfortunately, the house seemed relatively empty of anyone except her.

Anna sighed. She had been left to fend for herself.

Perhaps she would use this time to clean herself up.

In an hour, AnnaLee had successfully taken a shower, brushed her teeth, pulled her hair up, and grabbed some of Maksim's clothes.

The only articles of clothing she had were her grandfather's jacket and her now dirty dress from his funeral.

AnnaLee sighed. She missed her grandfather.

Anna could feel the familiar feeling of grief tug at her heart, so she decided to go scout out some breakfast to keep herself calm.

When she entered the kitchen, she wondered if Maks had as much jelly as Nik.

She quite enjoyed those pb&j's.

During her search, something on the counter caught her eye.

A note...

Anna picked it up, realizing her name was on the front.

Dearest AnnaLee,

I had pack business to attend to involving a certain group of wolves outside the borders.

Feel free to look around the house. I know your curious little hands want to touch everything.

Nik insisted he watch over you while I'm away. You can look around the territory if you wish, just wait for Niklaus.

And don't get into trouble.



AnnaLee giggled. She found his note sweet and humorous. The alpha had given her permission to snoop around.

She was also excited to see Nik. The last time she saw him, he was bleeding quite a bit.


After eating her breakfast, AnnaLee decided to take Alpha Lukin up on his offer.

Anna wandered around the living room. The only things catching her eye were pictures.

There were pictures of Maksim, Svetlana, and of Niklaus. They all looked happy.

Her favorite, was of all three. Maksim had his arm around Svetlana, while Nik was on the other side, facing them with a big grin on his face. Svetlana was rolling her eyes, Anna assumed at Nik, while Maksim glared at him.

The picture was so truthful, it made her laugh. Nik was causing trouble, as usual, while Maksim was upset. Anna had yet to meet Svetlana, but she sensed her sarcasm through the picture.

The last picture hung on the wall seemed quite dated in its tanned coloring. It was of a seemingly normal family. They looked as though they belonged in the 1930's.

The woman was obviously a mother, the way she grasped onto the two children in the picture. The man seemed rather cold compared to the rest of the family. He did not smile and was at least a foot apart from the mother and children. A beautiful baby girl was placed in the woman's lap, with a big smile on her face. There was a boy, who looked around seven years of age, standing beside the woman. He was quite cute and immediately captured all of AnnaLee's attention. He fisted his mother's dress, while looking at the camera. His face was dirty and he looked like a little trouble maker.

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