Chapter 27: Too Good to be True

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Sorry for the long wait! I recommend reading over the previous chapter to help you remember where we left off. I know long gaps between updates cause people to forget parts of the story so if you get confused about something that is mentioned or that is happening please don't hesitate to leave your question  in the comments. I will read through and clear anything up that you need. Also, this is a community! Everyone reading has at least one thing in common... You must like this book to have stuck with it, so feel free to answer each other's questions as well! Be kind! -K


Chapter 27: Too Good to be True

Knock. Knock. 


"Open the door " came a woman's voice.

Anna stirred around in the hospital bed, not liking the disturbance. She was exhausted and so was Maks. She had finally gotten him to sleep before drifting off herself. 

Anna felt immense warmth against her back causing her to grow even more drowsy. 

Flipping over proved to be more work than she thought as she tried to untangle herself from layers of sheets. 

Growing frustrated, Anna made a bigger fuss trying to get out from under the covers.

"Gosh, what are you guys doing in there? Open the door when you are done so we can see Maksim before we get dinner." Svetlana's voice sounded. 

Just before Anna could get up, a growl sounded behind her head causing her to jump up and whirl around. 

"Easy, Anna, easy. You just elbowed me in the stomach..." 

As he spoke, Maksim took in the sight of the girl in his hospital bed. At first, her eyes were huge and he knew he had startled her. Maks assumed that Anna would never get used to the animalistic side of him. In a perfect, ideal world, the Alpha would have accepted the little lady to be his Luna and he could prove to her that being half wolf wasn't always a bad thing. In that world, she might accept him. She might even find it thrilling. 

But Maksim knew that there would be no point in fantasizing about what could have been. He was after all on his death bed. By the look on Anna's face, however, one would think he just proposed.

"You look amazing." Anna whispered in awe, causing Maksim to raise a questioning brow. The last time he saw himself, his skin was a sickly color and his amber eyes had been reduced to a dull brown.

"Well, not amazing..." Anna corrected. "but far better from yesterday. Almost healthy."

"Yeah? Then, why do I still have this?" 

Sighing, Anna already knew what he was referring to. The mark of death was still very visible on Maksim's skin.

"You still have that because you won't mark me." Anna accused.

"You don't understand... Marking someone is always tricky, even when both participants are shifters. But with us... things are... different." Maksim reasoned.

"Let's not talk about that. You know where I stand and I know you've already made your decision. I'm gonna go get your sister and then find Nik." Anna said as she opened the door. 

Maksim didn't pay any attention to Svetlana as she came in. She was already complaining about Niklaus, that much he knew. He couldn't be bothered to act interested because Anna's behavior stuck with him. 

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