Chapter 2: Unravelled

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Chapter 2: Unravelled

AnnaLee was quiet for a time. She couldn't shake the shock of what was in her hands at the moment.

This was the coat in her grandfather's tale. Proof that he was telling the truth.

Rattled through and through, AnnaLee sat down with wobbly legs.

It wasn't a fib. It wasn't the imagination of an elderly man gone rampant.

AnnaLee scolded herself over her thoughts. Surely she had more confidence in her loving grandpa than that.

AnnaLee had believed his stories but didn't quite take them seriously. Now she had proof that what he spoke of was real.

But what was she to do with this proof that her grandpa wasn't insane?

She could share it with her parents.  They hadn't believed in her grandfather so she was adamant they would not take her at her word.

They would label her "crazy" as well.

Could AnnaLee sacrifice her own reputation to prove her grandfather's sanity?

Yes, that was a sacrifice she was willing to make for him, but she didn't believe ruining her own credibility would help the situation at all.

AnnaLee decided to gather more proof before she presented it to her parents.

Yes. That is what she would do.

That was the only option that would allow her to keep her dignity as well as restore her grandfather's.

AnnaLee sat down at the old man's desk and took a deep breathe. When she exhaled, she felt calmer and at ease.

Then a horrific thought came to her. AnnaLee was so busy being worried about her grandpa's legacy, she didn't think of something very important.

Her grandfather's story was true.

That meant that werewolves were real.

Her eyes widened.

At that thought, AnnaLee's mind was reeling again.

AnnaLee just knew she had to find out more. But how?

She glanced around her grandfather's study. He was a curious old man. There wasn't a doubt in AnnaLee's mind.

The old man had to have investigated deeper. Who wouldn't if they were confronted by men who were half wolf?

A green sticky note caught AnnaLee's attention. It was attached to an old journal of some sorts.

AnnaLee took a deep breathe and opened the dated book only to reveal the answers she was looking for.

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