After Mon Amour...

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Now that this book is complete, you may be wondering what's next for the author.

I had such a great time writing this book. It taught me a lot about myself and writing in general, but now that it's finished I am extremely relieved.

Not only because I WROTE AN ENTIRE FREAKING BOOK, which is an amazing achievement, but because I have been ready to end this book for a while now.

I started Mon Amour when I was sixteen, following the death of my grandfather. Back then, I was constantly reading on wattpad, most of those stories included werewolves and vampires.

A lot has changed since then.

I don't read a bunch of wattpad stories anymore, and when I do, they aren't based around werewolves. I'm in college now and don't rely on those stories to pass time. But I'm still interested in writing.

I have so many ideas for other stories I want to write for you.

Let's be honest...

Those of you who have been reading this book from day one know that I am a train wreck. I didn't update regularly, my plot was inconsistent because I would write a chapter every few months and forgot what I wrote, and I promised things that didn't happen.

All of you are brilliant for sticking with this.

I have so many scenes I want to bring to life and I feel I can do them justice. I am a lot older now, than when I started this book and I know I have grown as an author.

If you are interested in sticking with a crazy writer like me, who, by the way, has some pretty amazing stories up her sleeve, then I encourage you to follow me on wattpad. (it may prove handy as I think Nik needs a bit more trouble to get into)

This way, when I start other projects, you will be the first to know. (hint, hint)

For now though, I have released the first chapter for my next book. It's called 'Tame' and I think everyone who read this book will enjoy it. I hope that everyone gives it a chance. It contains more mature content than was provided in Mon Amour. As you may know, writing a book is a journey and I want every single one of you there with me. I could use some good company.

I have pre-written a good portion of the book. Hopefully that will keep me updating on the reg.

I would greatly appreciate it if you gave it a look. You can find it on my profile.

I love you all so much.

Peace out, girl scout.


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