Chapter 37: To Have Never Loved At All

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Chapter 37: To Have Never Loved At All

"Nik, can you do nothing right? What is it you need?" Maksim asked hastily. All he wanted was to be left alone for one day.

"Maks, listen to me."

The alpha straightened up at his friends serious tone. Niklaus was never serious.

"Are you there?" Nik panicked.

Shaking his head, Maksim answered him. "I'm here. What's happened?"

"It's Cassandra." Nik began. "She escaped the territory. I think she is heading your way and so am I."

"How far away are you?" Maksim asked, dread filling his stomach.

"About fifteen minutes." he said before adding, "And Maks, don't leave Anna alone."

Before anything else could be said, the phone fell to the pavement, the screen shattering on the ground.

Nik's voice could be heard faintly yelling for his friend to say something, to let him know they were safe.

He didn't get an answer for Maksim was already running back to the spot he last saw Anna.

Where he left her.

His vision was a blur as his feet carried him faster than they ever have before. The only time he ever felt like this was when the wolf side of him threatened to take over. Then, he fought against the feeling out of fear.

Today, he embraced it. Now, he knew the meaning of true fear: loosing Anna. If he turned into an animal, so be it. As long as she was safe.

When he saw her, his blood soared to his ears as anger overtook him.

Her eyes were pleading, begging to be let go as Cassandra held a knife to her throat.

In that moment, she looked exactly like her brother had some time ago, holding Anna hostage and threatening her life.

Maksim knew, however, that this wouldn't end as easily as it did with Kender. His sister was wiser and smarter. The look on her face told him that she was also determined.

Anna may be taller, but Cassandra was undoubtedly stronger. She was of course a shifter.

As he moved towards them, he stepped on a branch, drawing the she-wolf's attention.

She immediately shifted to hide behind Anna, but her grip around the knife remained just as strong. She was using his mate as a shield.


"Stop where you are." Cassandra ordered, causing Maksim's jaw to tick.

"Maks!" Anna yelled as she kept her eyes on him, silent panic spreading down her face.

"If you hurt her I-"

"I'm not here for her." The crazed shifter answered.

Maksim froze, as he realized what was going on.

This day would change them, he was sure of it.

"Then, what do you want?" Anna asked through her shaky voice.

"I was sent here by the Timber Wolves. They want Alpha Lukin defeated."

Anna's eyes went wide with horror as confused tears flowed freely.

In the midst of their talking Maks took a step forward, but it didn't go unnoticed.

"I warned you not to move. Please don't make me hurt her." Cassandra said, her voice becoming desperate. "She was the only one who was kind to my brother after I was locked away."

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