If Honesty Means Telling You The Truth (S.B.)

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A/N: Title - Niall Horan - Still. 

Warnings:  Not really - reader feels pretty bad about herself but nothing majorly said.


Spring had arrived at Hogwarts. The days had become longer, the nights shorter, and the air sweeter.

More and more students had taken to studying outside – taking their textbooks and a blanket to sit on the grass and prepare for the upcoming exams.

You were one such student using the fresh air as a motivator. As much as you adored the library for all of its books and comforting atmosphere; it could get somewhat stifling when left alone to your thoughts. The fresh spring air helped to clear your thoughts of a certain marauder running around your mind. Instead, you turn to focus on your History of Magic essay – insistent on having the proper context in order to complete your work.

The breeze is warm as you gaze across out across the lake. Any motivation to complete your work vanishes as you have the sudden urge to enjoy the day with the guy who had occupied your mind for a long time. it had been a similar day when you realised you had fallen in love with your best friend; that you had fallen in love with Sirius Black. He had been sat by the lake by you; his shoulder pressed against yours – you couldn't ignore it, you had fixated on it; the feeling of him against you and all you wanted was more, more, more. If simply touching shoulders had you like this, you dreaded to think what you would be like should anything else happen.

It is excellent timing on his part when he sits down on the blanket next to you. Sirius' voice snaps you out of your daydream, "I knew I'd find you out here."

"Did you now?"

"I did," He smiles at you, "You find it almost impossible to stay inside when the weather is like this."

"Very true, Black. It's my favourite type of weather."

He nods at you, relaxing into the blanket. He grabs your essay – "You're still working on this."

You take your work back, "Yes, I am. It is my next to last draft."

"You promise?"

"I promise what?"

"That it's your next to last draft. You work too hard – repeatedly going over your essays, checking for essays."

"As if you don't do the same thing! I know you too, Sirius, you act aloof, but you still put effort into every class and on top of that, you did the extra work into becoming an Animagus to help Remus. You astound me."

Sirius grins – a complete shit-eating grin. He leans closer to you, "I astound you?"

You lean into him too. You're close enough to each other where you could kiss him, and the thought completely dominates your mind. "Every single day."

Sirius leans back onto his elbows, turns his face to the sun. "Hmmm, I like the sound of that."

You watch him; your becoming slightly overwhelmed by your feelings for him. Enjoying the slight flirtatious banter but knowing it will only last for so long. It is like an addiction – you have to carry on with it, so you do. "Oh – you do, do you?"

He opens one eye and focuses on you, "I do."

Silence falls between the two of you for a while; the both of you enjoying the sun, the breeze; enjoying each other's company. Sirius takes your hand in his and starts to play with your fingers. You try not to let yourself overthink this; Sirius has always been overfriendly with you and you have never minded. It was a touchy-feely friendship and you liked that; you refused to let your feelings for him get in the way of such a friendship, not when he was this comfortable with you – not when he shared his innermost thoughts with you. He had his friendship with the marauders, of course he did, but his friendship with you was something else entirely.

Slowly, it is turning out to be the perfect day. You ignore any thought of your work and instead, enjoy the moment between you and Sirius.

The moment is only slightly broken when you say, "These are my favourite days."

Sirius chuckles, "I already know that, dear."

Your heart quickens at the pet name, "No. I mean when the weather is like this where it is almost spring, and the wind is warm, but you still need a jumper, or a cardigan and you can literally smell that spring is in the air. All I can think of on those days is to have someone to spend those with."

Sirius sits up straight, crosses his legs and stares at you. "You're going to have to elaborate for me."

You bite your lip, not really knowing whether to carry on. The last thing you want to do is to ruin the friendship between the two of you, but you aren't entirely sure you can keep quiet about your feelings for him. You don't have long left at Hogwarts – just over a year left and the thought of not seeing Sirius after, hurts.

Meanwhile, Sirius is starting to panic slightly – he doesn't understand what you mean by having some to share these days with. All he knows is that he wants that someone to be him because he has been in love with you since Third Year and he might combust if nothing is said about the two you.



"I fell in love with my best friend, but I'm worried I'm not going to be good enough. And all I want to do is spend days like these with weather like this with him. All I can think of is how this sort of weather makes me want to spill my guts him."

The breath leaves Sirius' body in one quick gasp. "You're in love with your best friend?"

You nod, looking down at your hands in your lap, not daring to look Sirius in the eyes. "I have been in love with you for a while now, Sirius. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin what we have as a friendship."

"Why would you ever think that you aren't good enough?"

"It's the crowd he attracts. His oozes this personality that draws people to him – it is like he's magnetic. But even with all those people, they never really saw the true side of him, and I thought I never would until he befriended me in Second Year and then I saw it. It took him a while to open up to me; to trust me but once he did, I saw this boy who was simply beautiful inside and out. And I simply don't feel good enough for him because how am I supposed to match this boy who is so purely good in everything that he does."

A hand lifts your chin, making you look Sirius in the eyes. "How on earth could you think that?"

You shrug your shoulders, not really having an answer for him.

"I think you are good enough."

"You do?"

"I do. I have been in love with you since Third Year. You have monopolised my thoughts since the very day I realised that I wanted more and I have spent every day since wondering if you could possible feel the same for me. If you are looking for someone to spend these days with, I will, and I will be happy to share them with you," Sirius takes both your hands in his, "Let's spend these days together. Let's spend all our days together."

A smile slowly starts to break over your face, "You're sure?"

"I'm sure, dear."

Sirius starts to lean down towards you, he stops however, before his lips touches yours. Silently asking permission. You nod and he kisses you. It starts so delicately as if he is afraid you're going to break under him, but he soon starts to kiss you more firmly as if he is craving your touch. You both fall back onto the blanket, Sirius above you. All you want is more, more, more and if you continue this way you're sure to get it.

It is clear to say that days like these with weather like this are definitely your favourite.

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