Three Wishes // R.L.

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In the muted light of the early morning, you drift in and out of blissful sleep, nodding for minutes at a time before coming back to consciousness. You had fought sleep for most of the night, choosing to remain awake with your beloved as the insomnia surrounding the full moon was beginning to take its toll.

"Love," A slow, raspy voice sounds in your ear. "You can fall asleep. I'll still be here when you wake up."

"No," You refuse, shaking your head in an attempt to fight the lingering exhaustion. "You don't sleep, I don't sleep."

A low chuckle rumbles through Remus' body. "Alright," He concedes, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "What shall we do to keep you awake that little bit longer?"

You sigh through your nose, blinking blearily up at the handsome brunette laid beside you. He's focused solely on you; eyes marred by dark purple circles making the scars stand out stark against his skin. Tucking in closer to the man you love, you inhale the comforting scent of sweet orange and ink.

"Tell me your three wishes," You demand tiredly, placing a hand on Remus' bare chest.

"My three wishes?"

"Your three wishes." You confirm. "You find Aladdin's lamp in the Room of Requirement and the genie inside grants you three wishes. What are they?"

"How long do I have to think each wish over?"

"As long as you need, but not long enough for me to fall asleep again."

"How specific," Remus snorts, smiling when your hand swats his chest.

"Three wishes, Remus," You sing-song, curious to know what the man would think to wish for.

Remus hums, thinking over his answers. The possibilities are endless; wealth and fame sit at his fingertips, but even in this hypothetical situation neither appeal to him directly.

"My first wish would be for my friends and my family to live comfortably for the rest of their lives."

"How generous," You whisper, a smile crossing your face. Remus' love for his friends knew no bounds, and you knew that they would feature in his wishes in whatever form he could manage. "And your second wish?"

"For my second wish, I would wish for any young werewolf to be afforded the opportunity to find a home in Hogwarts."

"Oh," You whisper, overcome with emotion as you think back to a young First Year Remus Lupin who had no clue what to expect, but did his best in whatever he could whilst battling with the full moon once a month. "And your third wish?" You ask, more awake now than at the start of this conversation.

"I would wish for you. A whole life, lived to the fullest with you."

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