Stormy Weather (S.B.)

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A/N: 4.1k. I hope you like!

Warnings: some angst, some fluff, some swearing


You felt silly – no, you felt stupid.

Two years... two years you had managed to keep your love for Sirius Black quiet. He barely even noticed you on a good day; you hadn't known where these feelings had come from, yet they were very much present. It had all started when the class had been assigned a seating plan; the teacher had moved you and Black together so there was no choice on his end – he had to talk to you if there was pair work set, and there nearly always was.

There was no reason for you to socialise. You were in the same house, but he had the Marauders, and you had yours. Sirius Black was known amongst the girls of Hogwarts for being ridiculously attractive but also as a notorious flirt – it was your luck that you had a crush on the one boy who would never wholly be yours. There was the occasional overlap when it came to parties in the common room which you rarely attended but for the most part, a word had never been spoke between the two of you until this class.

At the end of the lesson, you were packing away your things, very much glad that you had a free period next so you could try and get ahead on the homework that was beginning to pile up. It looked as if you free periods and your evenings would be spent in the library trying to keep on top of the workload that accompanied an exam year.

A quiet voice next you pulls you out of the routine of packing away, "(Y/N)?"

You turn to Sirius, "Yes?"

He smiles politely at you, "Would you be able to help me with what we've covered? I'm struggling slightly in this subject."

You raise your eyebrows at him in surprise. He may be a prankster, and doesn't necessarily take everything seriously, but nobody could deny that Sirius Black wasn't smart. All of the Marauders were.

"Really? You want me to help you?"

He chuckles, "Yes. I'm not completely understanding the context for wizard involvement within the Great Muggle War."

You nod, "Sure, I'll help you. When are you next free? We could meet at the library?"

"I'm free now, actually. If you have time, that is?"

"So am I. Let's head to the library now, I know some good books that can help us."

Sirius starts to pack his things away while you wait for him. You sigh inwardly, the pile of homework is going to get bigger, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to deny Sirius. He's too handsome, and your feelings definitely get in the way.

"Are you ready?" Sirius asks.

"I am. Let's go read about Muggle wars!" You cheer.

Sirius laughs loudly. You walk together to the library, talking aimlessly to each other. By the time you arrive at the Library, Sirius has you breathless from laughter as he recalls one of the many adventures of the Marauders. From the minute you enter the Library, you know that there is an extremely high chance of you being shushed by Madam Pince.

Steering Sirius towards the right section, you start to whisper about the causes of the First Muggle War. "It had been brewing for a while, there were tensions between the countries surrounding growing militaries and navies, growing empires and such."

"How does that relate to the wizarding world?"

"The minute war broke out, the Minster for Magic had to be alerted. Archer Evermonde passed a piece of legislation that forbade wizards from fighting in the war. It was a key moment in wizarding history. However, he Minister had to understand that regardless of what he decided, wizards would volunteer, look at Theseus Scamander."

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