Matchmakers (R.L./LE)

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Request: Heey, could I maybe request a professor remus x professor reader where maybe he saves her from something? Maybe she's walking on the grounds and something goes to attack her or a student casts a rouge spell in the corridor? I really love your work btw!

Warnings: swearing? mischief, established relationship, secret relationship

Word count: 3.1k


Your history with Remus Lupin spanned years having become friends in your Second Year of Hogwarts. You had also known James, Sirius and Peter – it still hurt to think of what had been lost. Of the four Marauders, you were closest with Remus. You had connected over a shared love of books and chocolate and from there, a close and dear friendship had blossomed.

A year after your graduation you had applied for a teaching position within Hogwarts; Dumbledore remembered you fondly and the interview had been a success. You were quickly offered the job which you happily accepted.

Time swiftly passed in the corridors of the school for witchcraft and wizardry; meeting new students, saying goodbye to old. You were not ashamed to admit that you teared up a little the moment you saw Harry Potter walk into the Great Hall; the spitting image of James with Lily's eyes. When he was sorted into Gryffindor, you knew that James and Lily were watching their son from wherever their souls had gone to.

Hogwarts was in need of a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and they were in need desperately. You also knew of a man who had need of employment; Remus Lupin struggled after the deaths of James and Lily and the events that followed. However, he struggled more getting paid employment due to the discrimination laws against Werewolves. Putting two and two together, you suggested to Dumbledore of appointed Remus as the new DADA Professor. Dumbledore took your suggestion seriously, and a letter arrived a week later from Remus himself, saying that he would see you in September.

His arrival was bittersweet; the closeness between the two of you had faded somewhat despite the common letters exchanged passed between the both of you, but the sight of him helped to heal an old wound within you. Time had passed so fast since the death of James and Lily and the loss of Sirius and Peter. Almost overnight, it had been you and Remus left; people would remember James, Lily, Sirius, and Peter but not quite like how you and Remus would. His arrival at Hogwarts brought old memories back to the surfaces; ones he was more than happy to talk about on an evening. The closeness you had both experienced through your education at Hogwarts was soon rekindled.

A routine rapidly developed between you and Remus; on a morning, he would wait for you by the door to your living quarters so you both could head to breakfast together. On an evening, you saved a seat for him at the teacher's table. It was inevitable that the students would notice and start to question the closeness. It never seemed to bother Remus; even when you raised the subject to him one evening, he simply shrugged and said that teenagers will be teenagers and they will gossip about anything.

It is on a Friday morning that Harry, Hermione and Ron witness Remus' and yours routine up close. They're sitting on one of the many benches before their first lesson of the day. As you and Remus walk past, they all wish you a good morning. You wish them one back before returning your attention to Remus.

"I'll see you at lunch." You say.

Remus nods, smiling down at you. You blush at the look on his face, he had this way of making you feel as if you were the only one there. The two of your parted ways to head to your classrooms, a quick brush of your fingers against his as a goodbye for now.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were now invested in what they were seeing. They had never thought of their teachers to have a personal life; they simply thought that they lived and worked in the castle and that was that. Now that they saw this, they couldn't help but be intrigued.

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