Books and Boyfriends (S.B.)

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Request: Millieeee, my love. I have an idea and I think only you can execute it in the most lovely manner possible. What if reader is friends with the Marauders and like her and Sirius are crushing on each other and are at the flirting stage. She is reading Ignite Me and she is like- "Aaron Warner is the most beautiful man known to human existence." (Which is so true) And Sirius is like EXCUSE ME??? and then it's just a lil argument between who is more handsome??Oh, and I totally understand if you don't wanna do this since many people haven't read shatter me series (WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? READ IT) Oh and if you are doing this, make her read chapter 55. (UGH IT'S SO GOOD)

Warnings: pining, flirting, fictional characters that set my standards for men too high, steaminess, jealousy, making out, quotes from the books.


If you were asked by anyone what the two things you loved most in the world were you would answer honestly: books and Sirius Black.

So much comfort could be found in books; they would always be there at the end of a particularly long day where things hadn't quite gone to plan, and you were fighting back tears. You could pick up a beloved paperback and lose yourself in a fictional world for a few hours where all you had to worry about was whether the two main characters were going to get together or whether you were going to be left heartbroken by the end.

Your other love, Sirius Black, was more of a secret held only between yourself and your closest friend with whom you share a dorm room with. It started as what could only be described as a passing fancy; an innocent crush developed through your Fourth Year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Simply, he smiled at you as he sat down next to you. He asked you how you were and by the time you had formulated a response, a crush had developed.

By Seventh Year and a whole friendship later, the crush had developed into something deeper. Into an emotion so rightly described by the authors of the great romance period; the crush had simmered for so long it had developed into love. At eighteen years old, you felt certain that you were too young to be in love, but then you caught his eye across a classroom, or he reached for your hand in the middle of a conversation and you realised that eighteen wasn't too young to be in love. For you were the evidence; heart racing ten to the dozen with each flash of a smile and each squeeze of your hand.

On the days where you feelings got the better of you, you buried yourself in your paperbacks and hardbacks. Letting yourself fall into a fantasy world where soulmates exist and the supernatural rule the world.

Remus often joined you in the common room when you were reading. Out of all the marauders, he was the one to best understand your love of books. He was the one to lend you books if you ever ran out of reading material.

Sirius would join you too; trying his best to distract you from the pages with conversation starters or outright pleas for your attention. The longer he tried, the harder you found it to concentrate on the storyline, though try you did.

He watches you now as you sit on the couch cross-legged reading the latest fantasy series you've fallen in love with. You curl a lock of your hair around your finger; twirling into a curl and Sirius tightens his hands into fists to repress the urge to sit next to you and feel the lock of hair in his hands.

The words fall out of your mouth from nowhere; taking form on the tip of your tongue and entering the world without much of a second thought and a happy sigh, "Aaron Warner has to be the most beautiful man known to human existence."

A snort leaves James as he flips the page of his Quidditch manual; not taking much notice of your words as Remus' shoulders begin to shake with silent laughter. You continue to read on; enthralled with how Aaron seems to care only for Juliette and her wellbeing.

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